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This week was a 60% increase over last week, a massive jump compared to gaining 10-20% a week like before
Month over month the website has practically doubled in pvs
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Keeping it sort, have only updated 5 more articles to human written, ive been spending most of my time setting up and making the new website look "decent" or "human" if you will. As I need to get it onto networks before I got hard on it.
I have a little backlog of posts to update but im the bottle next there since I do the final edits and optimization before posting.
Thanks lol, I sorta started this off as a joke but seeing how interested people are in this, and the results it is producing in the short term is rewarding, I do think most people might be better able to use information from a fresh domain case study.
I agree with your idea, however that is basically what my current case study is, since this domain you see results for is old, filled with human content, etc etc. AI was only added for the first time last month.
I want to test the waters with a new site, I also want to be reasonably aggressive for the sake of seeing what happens. I do not depend on either of these sites for income since I have actual main websites so I hopefully want to stress test the system a little.
Thanks, It will be interesting to see if it instantly flops or if I can get it to get any traction. I don't really have new keyword research insights, once you find a way that works for you, you stick with it. 2 years ago I was changing method every week but now I just do the same exact things over and over and don't try to complicate it. Ive explained my basics here already but a tldr is just looking at competitors, collecting topics and keywords into your hit list then doing them all one by one. You basically do keyword research once to last you weeks to months.
AI site keyword research is slightly different just because of the volume, hence just grab a ton and filter them. I have higher-powered websites so I usually don't even think about "can I rank for this?" when I'm picking topics and keywords anymore. If Wikipedia isn't at the top, and it isn't branded, etc etc then I usually have no reason not to write an article or have it written for me.
That is so true, if it wasn't for the few successes I've seen either I might not have even started but I choose to do my own test. I at least want to see how this is gonna work on a brand now domain in a hard niche.
hopefully in a month or so id have something to show you guys about it
I don't agree, I've never had a single website denied from them, I also already have an account with them, as long as my site doesn't look like trash or clearly spam, I see no reason why I cant get it onto ezoic. Have they been having massive crackdowns on AI sites that I'm unaware of? it seems like every other week they are putting out content on how to use chat gpt in your business
Only speaking from my personal, keep in mind I try my best to NEVER interact with the people feeding me as to not create issues for myself, so I don't have much communication with them, all they are to me, is a network that I use which pays way more than adsense, and has outperformed mediavine etc on MY websites, I cant speak for other people and I do have little issues but so does every other network.
raised my earnings
lots of data given to you about your earnings that others don't give
has free cdn (its been great as far as I've used it, better than any other I've used in fact, given I don't like changing products often cus its a hassle)
has mediation so you are still technically using adsense and ezoic at the same time, 0 reason to not use ezoic if you were just on adsense IMO.
Like here on a small site I have on it you can see they will break it down between what is adsense, premium and normal ezoic, your adsense will be paid to you by your actual adsense account.
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premium you need to pay for but it has always earned me more money than it costs.
If you are coming from a different ad service and your website is decently big, you can arrange with them if they think they can earn you more and potentially have some of your earnings protected if you dont make at the very least, similar income to when you were with the last service. Last I remember this is something you need to arrange I dont think they just give this to everybody.
when you are at a certian level of earnings and traffic you get a person assigned to your account that helps you out with things, place holders etc.
My first set up took long but only really cus I didnt know what the heck I was doing, and when your website is small, you can get it onto ezioc but the less traffic and earnings you have is the less help you get from them, basically, they treat you better the more you earn, this is not a problem for me, it just means I needed to learn how to set it up myself years back.
Bugs (this is kinda unfair cus all ad services ive been with have bugs) but my god ive never went a week without seeing bugs. I have never had a bug affect income but ive seen people have issues before. I think that is in the minority tho. Sometimes I just plain out cant get their analytics to work or work on larger time frames, so I have the habit of exporting all my data whenever I do get it to work. Sometimes the site will be telling you that you dont have something enabled................ but when you go to enable it........... it was already on. But as I said, its not like other ad services dont have the same issues for me.
Setting up placeholders is sometimes buggy aswell, I suggest you read a lot about how the placeholders work so you can set them up right the first time and never need to do it again.
Ive seen them do false acceptances........ by that I mean, they accept you out right (like someone didnt look at your site properly) and you think you are all good and clear with your morally questionable site on it, but then out of the blue if anyone sees and realises your site is against their allowed things then they will just axe you immediately. So dont have some crazy spammy site, put it on there and think you are 100% in the clear cus they accepted you.
Like legit ive seen dudes go to support to ask a question, then since support has to check their site they realize it is a site that is not even supposed to be allowed on the platform, then they instantly axe you. This is why I tell people dont be careless with the hands that are feeding you, the less you need to interact with some companies os the better.
If you arent doing anything shady you are fine.
All that beings said, do I reccomend them? totally, they feed me so as long as they feed me and provide the products they offer I think they are fine.