A better .htaccess redirection algorithm for image farming


Sep 4, 2013
Reaction score
I'm sure you guys already noticed that the change in google's algorithm has made images completely useless. meaning that images now take to the image location on google rather than the page they are hosted on causing ad visits to go down. I know how to bypass that. and its two simple lines of code. would this be something anyone here would be interested in? Best part is that it does not cause images to be decatalogued from google. I'm part of Google's beta testing team so I have a way of testing the codes. Dont tell the others though. :cool:
why don't you share it with the community and whoever needs it will use it? or you are trying to sell it?
well if you can't share it there is no point in making a post here
So between this, your 'Iframe Based URL shortener that can bypass Reddit and StumbleUpon ban,' and your 'Reddit Glitch' exploit that allows you to get anything to front page of Reddit, you must have a pretty solid thing going on.
Yet all you've actually said is that you have them, and that you don't want to share them, but maybe you will to possibly the right person maybe but probably not.

If you have them, by all means share them. OF COURSE this is 'something people would be interested in.' Don't want to share them for free? Sell them. I'm sure you'd make a few bucks, assuming it's actually real.

You've posted 5 threads in the last 2 days. 3 of them are about something you have, 1 is about something that you should make, and the other is something unrelated.

Please tell me... what is the point of these threads?

I really hope that you're being truthful here, but you've proven nothing.
Share them, sell them, or stop talking about them.

wow.. that is a great post.. thanks mate...
And you, p0iz0ner...
How the hell have you been a member of this forum since March of 2011 and you have a grand total of 3 posts, all made today, and two of which are the exact same utterly worthless "wow.. that is a great post.. thanks mate..." (which is obviously not true).

There's a high concentration of BS here and I have to say... I'm not a fan...

Rant over.
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wow.. that is a great post.. thanks mate...
The following are examples of content or activities that are prohibited on the Site, site mods / admin decision is final:

3.5 engaging in post count inflation by posting excessive amounts of short replies for the sole purpose of inflating your post count. This includes the infamous "thanks for the share." . (If you'd like to say "thanks" to someone for their effort/contribution, make use of the Thanks button).

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OK here it is, make good use of it. just write this on you .htaccess
Version 1
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^dobleu doble u doble u\.fateria(period)con\.con [NC]
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ htp://fateria(period)con/$1 [L,R=301]

version 2
RewriteEngine on
RewriteEngine on
RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} !^htp(s)?://(dobleu doble u doble u\.)?fateria(period)con/$1 [NC]
RewriteRule ([a-zA-Z0-9_-]+)\.(jpg|jpeg|png|gif)$ /$1

version 3
RewriteEngine on
RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} !^http(s)?://(dobleu doble u doble u\.)?fateria(period)con/apps/videos [NC]
RewriteRule \.(jpg|jpeg|png|gif)$ /$1

just change fateria(period)con for whatever your site is. You might have to tweek it a bit to fit your site's link structure.

had to make a few changes cus the bloody site has a problem against links for some reason. hope you can make sense of it.
Well, you shared it. Thanks.
Looks like gibberish to be as I don't know the first thing about this language, but I assume others will either thank you for your contribution or tell you it's BS and flame you :p

I suggest you edit your original post to include this information, since most people will see it and neglect to scroll down to the 10th post.