
  1. ivarga

    Using a proxy with a webBrowser in C# IE

    Hello ther BHW members! I am working on a small web browser in C# .NET And I was wondering.. Could I use two text boxes 1 for the proxy ip and 1 for the port to hook the browser up with a proxy? If that is possible.. Could someone give me an example on how it would look like? Would be very...
  2. S

    visual basic error

    why is my browser not showing after i click the button http://www.screencast.com/t/l9k4NV7Jk
  3. A

    Proxy tutorial using c# webbrowser - help!

    hi hellow I have list of proxy in the listbox and im trying to edit the registry i was able to change the proxy in the registry but my webbrowser doesnt load the html page. T_T *Note that the proxy im using is "alive" or should i say "its working" Here is the code i use: string key =...