vps bots

  1. N

    VPS for Social Media Account

    Hello, I hope this is the right place for this discussion: In a lot of threads it seems to be common advice to use a vps for your social media accounts. Especially if you have multiple accounts. This way, Google/Facebook/... won't recognize the connection. The requirements for such an vps...
  2. Tenebra23

    Did you try this VPS?

    So I wanted to go with contabo VPS because for 10 euros you get 16 GB ram and 400 GB SSD diskspace, it's an awesome price for me. I read many good reviews but also bad ones (regarding other services of them, like hosting, etc.. not many regarding the vps). Have you ever tested this company for...
  3. mainceaft

    I'm programmer looking for some one to share idea's and start products with .

    I'm web developer working mostly on PHP/wordpress and some time I work on Visual Studio(VB/C#) I know a bit about python , and I works on Server bit a while (so I can handle cmd Linux tasks ) . The problem I can't work alone I get bored very fast specially with complexes projects . In fact...
  4. mrgemy

    free vps test for 2 hours you can get more faster internet

    iam looking for vps to upload videos on youtube and ifound this site iget more vps to upload my videos site http:// cutadd. com/ Z7Tnufs
  5. noxiop

    Would Using a Windows VM With a Linux VPS Work?

    Hey, I am looking into what VPS I want to use for bottling social media. My bots can only be used in windows. Linux servers are hugely cheaper then windows, so could I just buy a Linux and run VM? How much would this affect the performance? I would assume the base OS would need to have at...
  6. Z

    VPS for bot questions

    I've been thinking of buying Instadub bot and want to put it on VPS. However what I've been researching now I'm not really sure can I even have VPS because I have MAC. Can I connect to the Windows VPS trough my MAC? How does it happen? Another question: I've seen people saying that if I live...
  7. Faisal ShaQ

    How to increase youtube views by bots? ( Daily Minimum 5k Views)

    I saw people in youtube saying some bots with HMA vpn and proxy will increase youtube views. is this really true? i tried and few success but im still kinda confused. anyone has any experience? And the main question is how does people sell youtube views? and how does they provide it? they...
  8. CThomasRaging

    VPS for Free?

    Hi, is there still some options for a free VPS? I remember the Amazon one which free for the whole one year but it was very slow. Any suggestions or tips?
  9. A


    i am looking for free vps providers who dont need credit or debit cards either it wwould be greta as i am willing to get some hitleap accounts
  10. A

    vps for bot,help!

    hi everybody i need a vps for mass planner which one do you suggest me!
  11. A

    use vpn with mass planner+instagram & vps,question!

    i was told to try using 1 Acc per Proxy / VPN / VPS !!! what would i need VPN for??
  12. RobertRvw

    NEED BotChief Experience. Paid $5 per bot. 3-10 bots a day.

    Hi there. I'm looking for someone that has used BotChief before. I need you to access my VPS multiple times a day, go in to BotChief Editor, and modify a bot template according to how I tell you. I will pay $5 for each template you simply update, and click export. If you could make 1 dynamic...
  13. marketer999

    ►Can I make some money from high performance VPS servers?◄

    Hi, I have got lots of VPS servers with high performance, can anyone tell me how can I make a few dollars from them? Are there any chances that I can make some money :/ Thanks in advance
  14. L

    I have a lot of VPSs to profit from

    Someone just offered me plenty of servers for a very good price and I'm wondering how I can profit from it, Anyone has suggestions please let me know! My servers' specs: 3gb ram 3 vCPU and I guess 2TB traffic monthly, pretty good :)
  15. E

    [Help a noob] how can I earn money with vps?

    Hey guys ! i'm new to all this internet money making methods, but i heard that some people are making good cash with VPS. so i've been wondering if you guys can help me to find a method to earn money using a VPS. if there's any VPS bot or a script that you just run, then you start...
  16. I

    Craigslist auto-posting over vps (ec2?)

    I want to repost an ad every hour on craigslist, on 4 different accounts, so 3 are up at any time (after 15 minute wait). I want to delete the old ad before reposting the new one with each account. I need a program that can do this. I want to do it over a vps or perhaps ec2. I need 4 different...
  17. akwin

    Is using bots on vps illegal?

    Vps server is 24/7 on with high speed internet.I m living in India please tell me running bots on a vps if legal or illegal as my 1 friend tell me illegal :( . Plz help.. I m running seo bots, email sender bots, seo bots like scrapebox,senuke,etc etc etc for marketing seo..I also run hitleap...