python language

  1. mohamedabdo

    looking for facebook python expert again expert not just developer

    HI I have multi Facebook page profile links or page id and what I want as below When I will give the script the Facebook page profile links I want the script to extract All followers and all checking and page admin with Extract Facebook posts likes /comments/shares/reactions (user-id) and...
  2. mohamedabdo

    loooking for programming expert

    I looking to programming expert and honest to create some automation ideas with Facebook and Linkedin and google maps please if any person can guide and help me to the website have good developers and honests no upwork not good or fiver not good also IF any programmer here is an expert no...
  3. Hanny WIjayanti

    Looking for Someone Who Can Make AutoLogin Browser

    I want to make a browser that can auto login to the url that I have (and I can add or replace if needed) and the login page does not appear a username and password. this is because I will use this browser for my team when they fill out my PBN article. But I don't want them to know the username...
  4. Rank wizard Ltd

    What programming language(s) to learn for building advanced web scrappers?

    I'd been an SEO guy for years now. And over time I've headed more towards building my niche blog network. It's going well so far, as long as ROI is concerned. As a part of my working methods, I've got to analyze tons of KW data, content pages and sort them out in some way that is presumably...
  5. RandomX

    I am a Biology Student But I want to learn Python

    Hi Friends, I am basically a biological student and I don't know anything about programming languages but I am interested to learn Python, But I don't know where to start. So Kindly Guide me from where to start. Thanking you for your kind courtesy.
  6. P

    Need Programmer for "simple" program

    New member and excited to be part of a community in a new venture, here is the lowdown. I have been working on writing a "simple" program that opens a tor browser to a specified url, sleeps for x where x=content time, closes browser then loops, for my first ever "real" program. I specifically am...
  7. D

    Xvideos Python Script Need Help

    Hello Can somebody help me to make this xvideos auto upload work. I have almost make it to work but struggle at tags fill and send video to upload button. Dont Know Why but i can't post the code.
  8. K

    Fix a Nike Account Gen Script

    would like to hire someone who would be willing to fix this script to be put in working order. It is a Nike account generation and verification script, Nike recently added more bot detection into there website and this was patched. There have been people that have already gotten it to work and...
  9. wallerLinda12

    Hi I am Linda and i am here to purchase "tools" for my projects !

    Hi I am "LINDA" and i am here to purchase "tools" for my projects ! Huge fan of PYTHON and automation !!! Hope for a nice collaboration with all members.
  10. F

    Is here anyone that can help with few advice about python language?

    Hi .... I start to learn python . I am now a noob in this language but I have a book " How to think like a computer scientist" and I try to learn from it but somtimes I get complety in bugs like mising some points even if I just copy code from this bug give me few errors and whant to ask if is...