post comments

  1. vigyavan

    How do you search for the best sites to comment on blogs? (Link Building)

    Everybody knows that one of the good ways to link building is blog commenting. I am not talking about spam and mass media, no. I'm talking about useful comments with questions to the author and with tips for the whole audience. How do you find blogs to comment on? Those blogs where commenting...
  2. gazinbali

    Looking for someone to post comments on You Tube

    Hi.. I am looking to do a new website featuring Justin Bieber vids I would like to know if someone can selectively post comments with my website link on OTHER Justin Bieber videos? Lets say 1000 posts.. what are we looking at $$ wise. Thanks Gazinbali...
  3. gazinbali

    Looking for someone to post comments on You Tube

    Hi.. I am looking to do a new website featuring Justin Bieber vids I would like to know if someone can selectively post comments with my website link on OTHER Justin Bieber videos? Lets say 1000 posts.. what are we looking at $$ wise. Thanks Gazinbali
  4. W

    WTB - Need forum postings - Easy Money - $1/post

    Get $1/post - Easy Money For Posting In Forums Must post at least 5 (That's a minimum of $5 payment via PayPal) Posts must be written in English Posts must be good quality and at least 100 words I will include bulleted thoughts for some of the things the posts should include Only one...
  5. innovalist

    Looking For A Poster - $20 For 50 Posts A Day

    I'm looking for someone who can post my services (web traffic) on forums, blogs, classifieds, directories as well as contact webmasters to sell my services. $20/50 posts - good money! If you can make 100 good posts a day thats $1200 waiting for you at the end of the month. That's regular...
  6. S

    How see most thanked post in BHW????

    I would like to check the most thanked post in blackhatworld. Somebody knows how I could check all post and see how many thanks to build a ranking with the most thanked post?