
  1. bargainbed

    [FREE REVIEW COPIES] ⏩PAA Type Articles + Unique + Long Content + Keyword Research ⏪

    Summary: We are inviting 20 BHW members to test our PAA services and share an honest review in our BST! BST: What Makes This Article Unique: All Articles Will Include Long Answers and have spun readable...
  2. 6squared

    [Journey] with PAA: From A Silent Reader to Earning $750+ Passively This Month

    Hey BHW members, I've been a silent reader here for quite some time. Although I haven't been super active in terms of posting, I've always been grateful for the wealth of experience, tips, and tricks that this community has shared. The PAA topic really caught my attention, and after getting...
  3. lovepreet

    [FREE] People Also Ask (PAA) 50 Q&A CSV

    Hey BlackHatWorld Community! I've benefited a lot from this forum and now it's my time to give back. I'm offering FREE People Also Ask (PAA) for your SEO and content needs. What You Will Get 50 Top PAA Questions: Questions related to your chosen keyword(s). Answers Snippet: A quick snippet...
  4. Ozzyzig

    People Also Ask (PAA) Question Scraping

    This BST will provide you with People Also Ask (PAA) questions for keywords of your choice. Currently, the only way to scrape these keywords is with the use of proxies to prevent a flag from Google, as well as paying for additional software. There is also a time commitment as well when doing...
  5. A

    Alternative to SEO Minion ?

    Hi folks, Everything is on the title : do you know *free* alternative to SEO Minion to get PAA (People Also Ask) Ubersuggest is not accurate for it. Thanks :)
  6. Alma

    My Pure PAA site got finally hit :)

    I am sure many of you will be happy. If anyone has experience with lifting manual penalties, let me know. I will be forever grateful.
  7. Alma

    [part 3] spam doesn't work, jk millions $ / day (PAA, hacking, redirects, adsense forcing)

    so it has been almost 2 years since I found mass PAA now there are even more crazier things I made a thread about this yesterday, it's basically what has been discussed on this forum before, the thread was called darker than...
  8. tattooedbuddha

    [2023] A List of Tools For SEO & Content Writing [FREE & PAID]

    With all the great value other members provide, I felt I needed to contribute, which is why I've compiled a list of tools I find great value in. Hopefully, you'll get value out of them as well! And if you find that I've missed a tool that you find valuable, feel free to contribute and share...
  9. Hircus

    “Near me” is domain? (EMDs)

    Hey all, anyone with relevant information is kindly asked to advise. Working on a site I’ll be targeting a large set of [service] [city] keywords. End goal is to try and sell leads to friends in those industries. I’ve registered a domain like “, but am starting to worry...
  10. thepiratemay

    [JOURNEY]Building a Successful PAA WordPress Website with the Help of a Custom-Made Python Scraping Bot (bit LONG)

    Introduction A. Explanation of the motivation behind building the bot As someone who is always looking for ways to make my life easier, I've always been drawn to the idea of automation. I am naturally lazy and I try to automate everything I can to save myself time and effort. I also happen to...
  11. J

    What Are PAA Sites & Why Build Them?

    As the question states, what are PAA sites and why are they used?
  12. shun

    [AutoBot] OpenAI Auto-generated content, title, FAQ, comments, featured images, in-post images, internal linking and social media

    ABOUT ME I am not new to BHW but I create a new account just for this thread. I am a developer and like to code. WHAT I HAVE DONE Created a system that have several bots as below - Content-bot receive a list of keywords and generate people-interested topics, people-also-asked (PAA) questions...
  13. M

    How do you structure/organize articles for PAA Websites.

    Let's say I have these keywords. And I scrape 5-7 PAA's per each. Do I make those 5-7 QA'S an article and post it? Also, do you make paa questions h1 or h2? If h2 what do you put as h1? As you can see I'm quite confused and I'd love too get any advice.
  14. srdjan87

    ✅✅✅Ultimate PAA Scraping And Auto Posting WordPress Blog Machine - Make Money With Powerful PAA OpenAI Script and Unique GPT-3 Content✅✅✅

    Many of them say PAA is dead. Maybe it is, but only for those who are doing it wrong. I am selling a PAA script written(80%) in Python that scrapes the PAA section from Google and Automatically publishes it to a WordPress website. For Sale Powerful PAA WordPress Auto Blog Machine That Creates...
  15. M

    Quick Questions For PAA Enjoyers

    Hey guys I've been wanting to get into automatic PAA sites and have few questions can't resolve. I'd love to get your insights. 1- Let's say I go with "flight" keyword and get 50 paas. After having done with those do we manually input the other keyword or is there way to it? (Maybe doing the...
  16. seo_alexa002

    Any Method to Scrape PAA Questions??

    Hello All Any Method to Scrape PAA Questions?? Need 1000's of PAA Questions Thanks
  17. bargainbed

    [FREE REVIEW COPIES] ⏩ Keyword Research + PAA Type Articles ⏪ Unique + Long Content

    BST: Summary: We are looking for 50 BHW members to test our PAA services and leave an honest review in our BST! Notes...
  18. bargainbed

    GUARANTEED TRAFFIC + RANKINGS◄◄◄ Extremely Powerful PAA Sites⭐⭐20K+ Articles⭐⭐Powered With SEO And Social Media Traffic [Limited Copies]

    To Check Samples And Avail 15% Discount Code (Limited Coupons) ►►►Reply To Thread Need Samples And Discount Code $499 - Silver Package $850 - Gold Package
  19. Fixgee

    █▓▒░⡷⠂PAA People Also Ask ⠐⢾░▒▓█ Autoblogging Website | Its Time to Build Your Own PAA Blog ███►50% DISOUNT◄███

    20 Free Review Copy Available for BHW Member 2 Copy For JR Executive VIP 2 Copy For Jr Vip with 10,000+ Post 10 Copy For Jr Vip+ Member 4 Copy for Non Jr Vip 500+ Post 2 Copy for Non Jr Vip 200+ Post ================================= You Must Follow the rules to Get Free Review Copy How to...
  20. WebSoftware

    [BETA TEST] AI Paraphrasing web / api

    Hello everyone, im looking for 3 people that can help me testing my Advanced paraphrasing tool. Its a web app, you will get a login with unlimited credits for some days. Includes access to API and docs on how to use it. Looking for people with experience in PAA / AI sites / Content writing /...