
  1. hazephase

    SEO Knowledge Sharing Meetup in London – on Thursday 29.08.2024

    Hello everyone, I hope this message finds you well. As a member of BHW for over 12 years and a London resident, I am excited to extend an invitation to a meetup this coming Thursday. I am passionate about sharing my SEO knowledge and experiences with fellow members, and I believe it will be a...
  2. flashsites

    Building a Meetup

    Hi. My wife and I created a Meetup group around Sex-positivity in SanDiego. Do you guys have any tricks or ideas to build a Meetup community from scratch? Any services are welcome to.
  3. KJREDDY247@

    any one here from Vizag / Visakhapatnam, India?

    anyone here from Vizag. Would like to meet if anyone here and interested to meet sometime.
  4. hassysheikh

    Any Instagrammer from Pakistan?

    Hello there. "You're The Average Of The Five People You Spend The Most Time With" - Jim rohn As you can judge from the tittle, I am search of people from Pakistan who are doing CPA with instagram or any kind of Monetization related to instagram accounts by growing them, I'd like to talk to...
  5. B

    Meetup with Affiliates Live in Berlin

    Hello Guys. I am new to this Forum. I am from Berlin and besides sitting behind my PC and read as much as I can I would also like to connect with Affiliates and exchange knowledge. Maybe there are some people who would like to join me and meet up in Berlin? Let me know below if you're...
  6. lukewd

    Cape Town Meetup

    Hello all South African hatters. I'm keen to try to get a meetup going for anyone in this community based in Cape Town, South Africa. Anyone involved in bh/wh marketing, seo, sem, development, etc. If you're in CT and would be interested please let me know. If there's any positive enough...
  7. M Messaging Bot Needed

    I'm looking for a Meetup bot with the following features: Scrape users from groups Send those users a message including their first name Spinnable text, so the same message isn't sent every time Blacklist users who have already been messaged or are in my group already- I don't want to message...
  8. Choidavid420

    London Coffee Meetup?

    Hello fellow hatters. Would anyone in London like a coffee/pint meetup? It'd be cool to network, share ideas. I'm mostly into white hat PR, digital PR, and a bit of black hat social media. Work with local business owners and fashion brands; based in East London. Lets doooo it! [edit] I just...
  9. A

    BHW - London Pint/Idea Exchange?

    Hello! Hope you are all well. So i have lurking/contributing/buying from BHW forrrrrr ages. I was curious if people on here would meet up to catch up with things that they may be working on/knowledge share etc. For example - i have been creating building & reselling sites. I have 3 on the...
  10. B

    Anyone from Miami, South Beach ?

    Hi everyone, I just moved here 2 weeks ago from uk beacause I had enough of the weather and was looking for a cool place :cool: If anyone is from Miami and would like to meet up for some drinks, hit me up and we will sort something out !
  11. N

    London peeps wanted

  12. D

    Want to be part of awsome structured mastermind group?

    I'm putting together a new mastermind group of like-minded business owners to help each other grow our businesses. You must currently have some type of business that is in progress or currently running. This will be a Skype/Google Hangout Mastermind Group. I am limiting the group to 5-6 people...
  13. U

    Shout-out to Londoners on BHW

    Hello, I've recently joined BHW and this week started with an offline method offering web design/development. Just wondering if there are (many) fellow BHW'ers on here from London (UK). I live in North London myself. I'd be interested in meeting with other Londoners and share...
  14. QuietZorg

    Dublin (Ireland) Meetup

    Hi Folks, I'd be interested in meeting my fellow black hatters for a few scoops in Dublin. If sufficient interest, I'd create a meetup group so we can organize ourselves easily. Ideas for things to do -Walk about -Drink/eat -???? -PROFIT -Other Black hats won't be mandatory, as that'll just...
  15. oni3350

    4 Cures for Chronic Procrastination

    I am a chronic procrastinator! Was reading Young Entrepreneur and came across this article, its actually helped me and I thought id share it here. 1. Narrow your focus. Procrastinators often spend too much time looking at the big picture, so a project can seem overwhelming. ?They see the...
  16. I

    Chicago Affiliate Marketing Meetup

    I specifically am making this known to people in the blackhat forum because I want to chat more with you guys than anyone else. Just wanted to let you all know about the Chicago Affiliate Marketing Meetup Group. you can find it on the meetup site for by searching for "affiliate" near the...