los pollos

  1. BanX

    Earn money from adult Subreddit

    So I started an adult subreddit a few months ago. I update it daily and have not done anything to promote it on reddit or anywhere else. Members are growing slowly but steadily. I tried to promote my Lospollos smartlinks but failed miserably. I would like to ask the pros for any tips on...
  2. delligerrx


    Hi everyone, I'm relatively new to the forum and I've been working with affiliate programs for a few years now, since the beginning of this year I've generated +15 thousand usd which is a good amount of money for the damn 3rd world country where I live (a normal person would earn that in 3 years...
  3. malikmajmudar

    Whats the most amount you made with cpa per day ? Mine around $300

    Dear friends. i am at a hard decision these days. first of all i myself interested in mareketing thats why i do cpa as hoppy. i have other projects with great potential. At the moment i work only with free traffic from my projects which include tubes and mainstream movie sites. I work with...
  4. rexlapix

    Is CPA with porn reupload is still relevant in 2024?

    Hey there, so I am going to start doing adult CPA by porn reupload, I don't know if it is still reliable method in 2024 or not. Where do I promote? So I know a adult discord server with over 1 million+ users and 250k+ online users anytime. I can upload porn in that server, just for the...
  5. AlejandroSosa

    Media Buy and Los Pollos(Adult CPA)

    Hello, recently I've been testing adult CPA and media buying using Los Pollos. I made $74 on the first day, targeting tier 3 countries with a budget of $20. However, the next day, I had zero conversions despite trying different countries and networks. Could the issue be with my traffic, or has...
  6. malikmajmudar

    Should i use a pre lander to promote this offer ? without any pre lander my ROI was - 50%

    Hello, hope you are doing well! Recently i have joined crackrevenue. I was previously working with lospollos and thought to expand my cpa journey with direct offers instead of smartlink so i joined crackrevenue. in crackrevenue i searched for SOI offers since thats my favorite. So i came across...
  7. SecondWorld

    How does Los Pollos work?

    Sup Guys, I was accepted at Los Pollos today. I already have some traffic sources but I don't understand exactly how Los Pollos works. I only have the dating option at Smartlinks. When I click on it, it says that I can enter a tracker and Click ID. Do I need this? I look forward to your...
  8. damnez

    Is This Normal? (Lospollos, 10 Conversions = $1.86, From TIER 1 Countries)

    Hello guys, a few months ago I ran a popunder campaign for my smartlinks and I got 10 conversions in a day, they came from tier 1 countries like USA, GERMANY, FRANCE, and i only made 1.86$ in total. I see other people share their stats from lospollos and the average amount they make per...
  9. B

    My Earnings From LosPollos Cpa Affiliate Marketing

    My earnings yesterday with Los Pollos
  10. olakunkevibe

    Help, my journey as a newbie

    Good day BHW. I trust you are having a great time already. So I am entirely new in the world of affiliate marketing. (ADULT NICHE) I’ve been going through BHW and trying to sharpen my knowledge. Now I need to go fully into this and, with the help of you guys, I hope to meet my target. I’m from...
  11. D

    Promoting Dating Offers (SmartLink)

    I'd love to see some journeys on this and ways people go about promoting this. It seems to be the least talk about money-making method here. I guess it's probably because it's one of the most difficult.
  12. D

    Testing a New Method for Dating/Adult

    So after my last CPA dating offer thread here - https://www.blackhatworld.com/seo/never-quit-first-conversion-on-dating-offer.1391780/#post-15093957, I decided not to quit. And today I came up with a really easy method but might be a little time-consuming since it's free traffic but I already...
  13. A

    What is the best CPA network ?

    Hey, i've stopped doing snapchat afilliate for a while and wanted to try again i've been on Los Pollos and i would like to know what is the best CPA network that doesn't ask for prove that i'm doing well right now with Los Pollos cause i've stopped. Also if you have advice on how to do that the...
  14. 912lab

    Dating Smartlink Verticals

    hey, I'm promoting the LosPollos Dating Smartlink with 300x250 ad banners, but I'm slowly running out of good banners ... how do you do this? do you create your own banners or where do you get good converting ad banners from?
  15. N

    account approvel

    i want to approve my lospollos account Mu user name perveznadiil23 Thank you
  16. ShehuAB

    Why is no one talking about lospollos shaving?

    Lospollos conversion has been down for the past two weeks, you'll send the same amount of unique traffic and won't get a quarter of the normal conversions you are used to. Is this a normal phenomenon with lospollos? do networks like revert to their normal mode or we the affiliates should just...
  17. Sardi


    HI my first time here , have been looking at this forum for a couple of months to find some answers to all my question and I want to know what is best fucking way to make profit out of a dating smartlink of an offer , what do you guys use ?? Does someone use Juicyads , trafficfactory, ect or...
  18. ShehuAB

    Adult Snapchat with los Pollos

    Hi I am trying to promote adult offers on Snapchat. Going with a single model and having about 400 views to my story within 24 hours. Now I get clicks from US mostly but not much conversions. I am thinking maybe my wording is not attractive enough to get them sign up or the many series of...
  19. L

    Is los pollos down or something?

    Anyone having an error msg when site is loading?
  20. L

    Question about Los pollos wire transfer

    Hello guys, Has anyone received a payment from los pollos through wire transfer? I was told that my payment has been made on Tuesday, this is Friday and i still haven't received my payment. My bank here wants to see the prove of their payment...but my affiliate manager keeps telling me that...