Is CPA with porn reupload is still relevant in 2024?


Registered Member
Feb 17, 2024
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Hey there, so I am going to start doing adult CPA by porn reupload, I don't know if it is still reliable method in 2024 or not.

Where do I promote?
So I know a adult discord server with over 1 million+ users and 250k+ online users anytime. I can upload porn in that server, just for the reference I only put the link of my private discord server in my bio and uploaded few porn vids on the server with that I've gained 300+ members in few days.

You know about the site called redgifs, You can upload short porn vids there. That site have good traffic. So, I'm going to post on redgifs and host that file on reddit. So this way I'll get traffic from both.

What's my plan?
So, I've been think about buying a domain and redirect it to some CPA offer or smartlink. Then I can add the website watermark in the video itself.

Which CPA network should I use?
I've got accounts for multiple networks like cracked revenue, lospollos, adverten and few more. I don't know which one to choose, but from the reviews I've read cracked revenue don't pay and bans your account. So which network should I choose?

So I was just wondering if reuploading porn is still reliable in 2024 or just?
Hey there, so I am going to start doing adult CPA by porn reupload, I don't know if it is still reliable method in 2024 or not.

Where do I promote?
So I know a adult discord server with over 1 million+ users and 250k+ online users anytime. I can upload porn in that server, just for the reference I only put the link of my private discord server in my bio and uploaded few porn vids on the server with that I've gained 300+ members in few days.

You know about the site called redgifs, You can upload short porn vids there. That site have good traffic. So, I'm going to post on redgifs and host that file on reddit. So this way I'll get traffic from both.

What's my plan?
So, I've been think about buying a domain and redirect it to some CPA offer or smartlink. Then I can add the website watermark in the video itself.

Which CPA network should I use?
I've got accounts for multiple networks like cracked revenue, lospollos, adverten and few more. I don't know which one to choose, but from the reviews I've read cracked revenue don't pay and bans your account. So which network should I choose?

So I was just wondering if reuploading porn is still reliable in 2024 or just?
i suggest you test it dont listen to anyone that says it dont work you need to test it yourself and if it works then stick to it if it dont you can move on but you need to test it first. life is a science experiment you need to test different things until something works for you and run with it. and i suggest you do revshare or pps and go with whichever offer from whichever network pays you the most the goal is to make yourself rich not the networks or sell something yourself
Works, but it not good as in the past. And Los Pollos is a good way to start.
Most big sites now need user verification to be able to upload porn videos

maybe it will still work if you target smaller sites, but It won't be as good as before, if you can find some way to automate this maybe it would be better
Hey there, so I am going to start doing adult CPA by porn reupload, I don't know if it is still reliable method in 2024 or not.

Where do I promote?
So I know a adult discord server with over 1 million+ users and 250k+ online users anytime. I can upload porn in that server, just for the reference I only put the link of my private discord server in my bio and uploaded few porn vids on the server with that I've gained 300+ members in few days.

You know about the site called redgifs, You can upload short porn vids there. That site have good traffic. So, I'm going to post on redgifs and host that file on reddit. So this way I'll get traffic from both.

What's my plan?
So, I've been think about buying a domain and redirect it to some CPA offer or smartlink. Then I can add the website watermark in the video itself.

Which CPA network should I use?
I've got accounts for multiple networks like cracked revenue, lospollos, adverten and few more. I don't know which one to choose, but from the reviews I've read cracked revenue don't pay and bans your account. So which network should I choose?

So I was just wondering if reuploading porn is still reliable in 2024 or just?
I used Crakrevenue in the past, and they always paid me promptly. In fact, they knew that my traffic came from chatbots. They asked me about the source, I explained everything to them, showed them results of that same traffic on other networks, my funnel, etc., and they didn't ask me anything else afterwards. My experience with them was good.
Is it still doable? Yes.

Is it worth your time? No.

I could list all the reasons as to why it's not worth your time, but I don't think it's necessary. It's kinda common sense. Tube sites that actually have traffic worth uploading, don't allow free uploading, and you will never see the frontpage aka the money page. Adult CPA companies pay pennies to the dollar. Now mix the two. A company paying you pennies for traffic that you have to really put in alot of work to see results. Why go thru all that, when there are easier ways to generate traffic, and ways to monetize that will pay more?

Adult cpa + tubes was cool 5 years ago, but times have changed. If you don't learn to adapt to these changes, you'll be stuck chasing old methods, wishing it was still that era.. when in reality, everyone has moved on. And have moved on for good reason. You can generate alot more traffic, with less work using social media. Just like tube sites, there are many platforms to choose from. Get with the times, learn the algorithms, and start getting paid.... or you could chase the adult cpa + tube sites... it's up to you! Good luck with whatever decision you make.
Is it still doable? Yes.

Is it worth your time? No.

I could list all the reasons as to why it's not worth your time, but I don't think it's necessary. It's kinda common sense. Tube sites that actually have traffic worth uploading, don't allow free uploading, and you will never see the frontpage aka the money page. Adult CPA companies pay pennies to the dollar. Now mix the two. A company paying you pennies for traffic that you have to really put in alot of work to see results. Why go thru all that, when there are easier ways to generate traffic, and ways to monetize that will pay more?

Adult cpa + tubes was cool 5 years ago, but times have changed. If you don't learn to adapt to these changes, you'll be stuck chasing old methods, wishing it was still that era.. when in reality, everyone has moved on. And have moved on for good reason. You can generate alot more traffic, with less work using social media. Just like tube sites, there are many platforms to choose from. Get with the times, learn the algorithms, and start getting paid.... or you could chase the adult cpa + tube sites... it's up to you! Good luck with whatever decision you make.
Thanks for the reply!!
Most big sites now need user verification to be able to upload porn videos

maybe it will still work if you target smaller sites, but It won't be as good as before, if you can find some way to automate this maybe it would be better
Oh not uploading on tubes though, Gonna upload on reddit, and discord
i suggest you test it dont listen to anyone that says it dont work you need to test it yourself and if it works then stick to it if it dont you can move on but you need to test it first. life is a science experiment you need to test different things until something works for you and run with it. and i suggest you do revshare or pps and go with whichever offer from whichever network pays you the most the goal is to make yourself rich not the networks or sell something yourself
Thanks for the suggestions, I'll try something if it works then I'll continue.
With the method you explained. This can be a good passive side gig which you can do in the free time while pursuing something bigger scale.
I don't think creating video with domain watermark and posting on discord takes time. Or in RedGIF. If you know the places to post and they are letting you post. It should be no more than 1-2 hour job.
Not relevant at this scale. You'd need 50 million videos to generate any considerable money.

"Get a grip, get a job."

Imagine this attitude at work doing only couple videos. You'd be fired day one.

It's not your content so the point is to rip it off all.
Not relevant at this scale. You'd need 50 million videos to generate any considerable money.

"Get a grip, get a job."

Imagine this attitude at work doing only couple videos. You'd be fired day one.

It's not your content so the point is to rip it off all.
Yup totally agreed! it's not worth the effort these days.
I think tubes are more strict but good luck with it!
What's interesting, reuploading / reposting works well in other niches and yields much, much bigger money than porn.

At the same time it's not so "destructive".

I used Crakrevenue in the past, and they always paid me promptly. In fact, they knew that my traffic came from chatbots. They asked me about the source, I explained everything to them, showed them results of that same traffic on other networks, my funnel, etc., and they didn't ask me anything else afterwards. My experience with them was good.
Sir how you promote crackrevnue and can any way to promote it free