Don't waste your time or money to build quality .gov links. Google does it for free.
Just follow these simple steps and you will get unlimited free .gov links.
Use this search operator:
site:edu "Uncategorized"
site:edu "Notify me of follow-up comments by email."
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Hello World! I'm not an expert at all, but I've been in IM for 1 or 1.5 years and currently making between 500 to 1000$ per month constantly through Amazon Affiliate Sites - I've also some chun n burn stuff -
People who worked in the Amazon Affiliate + SEO thing know 10beasts very well!
If you...
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i have two new brand websites on flash games with 0 blacklinks, i want a partner who will rank my site in google 1st Page, i will place his ads on my website for 1 year,
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Hello everyone,
I have a website , I am trying to build backlinks from high page rank websites where i can drop my links which are not spammy , and get them to stick.
I know this can be acheived via blog commenting , forum submission profile bookmarking.
What i need to ask...
guy you look some link from .edu
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