
  1. M

    DMCA ingored hostings that actually work

    Hi All, Based on the posts here I tried 2 hostings flaunt and alexhosting and both of them are disaster so far. for flaunt I cannot even login the control panel. and their support dont even reply. for alexhosting my domain redirected to ab-fashion dot com dot md (trying to make it non...
  2. HoZoBoRoLo

    [Get] Namecheap 1 year hosting subscription for $1 (COUPON)

    Namecheap 1 year hosting Subscription for $1 Coupon Code: ONEBUCK
  3. mohammed el

    need help

    hi mates I have a script of facebook quiz but I donnot kow have to upload it on a hosting can sameone help me please!!!
  4. sabo

    Struggling to choose a hosting provider for WP

    Hi guys. So I'm planning to launch my website on WordPress and am wondering which type of hosting to choose. HostGator offers some kind of special hostings for WP along with the ordinary web hostings, but I don't quite understand the difference. Can anyone explain how do they differ? Also...