
  1. sveniboy

    Is there an Altert for inside FB Groups?

    Hi guys and girls, my first post, yeah :) My question: Is there some tool or service, who has somekind of alert, if a special word is mentioned inside a Facebook Group? Ex: Someone says, hes searching for "Logo-Design", so u can get an alert and be fast with a response. If not, is it possible...
  2. M

    Can you scrap a facebook group?

    I would like all the content that appears on the group to be uploaded to my website. How to do that? Is there another solution? Facebook api enables this option? Can I scrap/connect a group that does not belong to me?
  3. D

    Current daily max to for inviting to a FB group with email addresses?

    What's the daily limit regarding adding people to a group using email addresses? Is there anything that causes red flags from adding a lot of invites using email addresses?
  4. sarahsaturne

    An Admin of +10K members has a way to "monetize" his hard work and involvment?

    I am the ONLY Admin of 2 groups : one +5K members and one +10K members - no moderators into - theme LEGO. My FACEBOOK page liked by +14K and my profile 4500 friends are both the only ADMIN of these 2 groups. Is there a way to "monetize"/get benefits of my so hard work and involvment...
  5. void957

    Facebook Engagement Funnel Overview - Growing Pages & Groups.

    Facebook Engagement Funnel Overview - How to grow pages, groups & use momentum to get a snowball effect on your social media pages. I’ve been able to use the strategies below to grow many pages & groups to over 10k+ in a matter of weeks on autopilot. Many of these pages are still growing at...