
  1. D

    File Host for streaming site with no pop-ads

    I know it seems crazy, but I'm looking for a file hosting site where I can upload videos for my streaming site but with no pop-ads (other ads are completely cool). The problem I'm having is that these types of ads are very disturbing and most of the time, my users are coming from TikTok. When...
  2. G

    I am working on hosting platform, need some advices...

    So basically I am working on something like tube script with baked in hosting and I have trouble deciding on what to implement in terms of video hosting. I have 2 options: 1. The easiest solution is to give an option to scaffold tube with embeds from large sites, but then must give up on...
  3. Vaske00

    Embeding movies

    Need some tips on how to embed movies onto my website. Is there any special website I can do it from and how would I potentially get a video link to embed movies onto my website. I have a database and website(not on the internet yet). If you have other ides of how to get movies onto my website...
  4. vilaus

    Need recommendations of Video Embedder for adult videos

    Been searching the internet for a video embedder to embed adult videos to my adult website The ones I found are saying this is not a url or link for adult websites But when I tried embedding YouTube videos it worked Anyone know a good video embedder for adult website I don't have money to buy...
  5. shabushabu

    Anyone have a Youtube Embedding site?

    I have a 2 months old Youtube embedding site in the cars niche. Problem is, I'm not sure if this is sustainable because of copyright? I've seen a couple Youtube embedding sites also adult sites which embed Pornhub videos and are running just fine. I'm just wondering, (before I put money into the...
  6. shiboshy

    [SCRIPT] Embed videos from Dropbox on Wordpress - Save Hosting Space & Bandwidth

    Ok so a lot of you use shared & cheap hosts. Content Lockers, Landing Pages, etc. When you embed from YouTube and similar networks, your video often gets removed. if you upload on your shared hosting, it may get suspended. Use this wordpress code to embed videos directly from dropbox. No...
  7. EimAmRhe

    Embed YouTube Videos Cleanly

    The standard YouTube player that appears when you embed YouTube videos on your website unfortunately contains many unnecessary elements that distract the viewer. I was wondering if you can somehow hide these elements for free. As far as I know there are two ways: 1. You can upload videos to...
  8. W

    Embedding Live Streams

    Hey, I'm trying to embed a live stream in my website but i don't really know how to verify that the stream is good in code. Does someone have experience with that?
  9. U

    SOS Help with embed videos in Wordpress - Adult Tube Site

    Hello everybody! I have recently created an adult tube site and I cannot get over a specific problem. I have a list of embed videos, but I do not know how to post them on my website so they would look like xvideos - thumbnail=the thumbnail of the video + autoplay when mouse is on it. I just...
  10. inclaminated

    What is the best video plugin for embedding?

    I've been trying a lot of wordpress plugins the past week, what is the forums consensus on the best embed video plugin? I want to hide you tubes suggested adds but also be able to embed any sites vids. Lazy loading would be cool as speed is important along with an instant thumbnail for vids...
  11. JackTheBlack

    Wordpress YT-Video Embed with Autoplay & Loop

    Guys I hope you can help me. I've already tried 8+ hours on this and it is driving me mad. I have this youtube video I want to display on my page. It is very short (10 seconds). On my WP blog post I want this video to automatically start playing and loop when finished. So far I tried to use...
  12. A

    Xvideos embedding problem

    few days ago my xvideos embedding’s [HD] buttons r suddenly disappeared. i dont know why it happened but redtube and other networks [hd] buttons are working fine. im using wp-script player and used a pre-roll .js ad any one know a solution or it’s just xvideos ?
  13. Animation_Videos

    Youtube Video Embed Seo

    So guys as the title goes, i'm trying to embed a youtube video on my site however, using the normal iframe code, the site speed got reduced like crazy... so can someone please suggest me the best way to embed a youtube video on a site without site speed getting affected? ...
  14. A

    Autoplay a YouTube video on Facebook

    Hello! I was wondering is there any way I can grab any video from Youtube, get it's link, and post it on my facebook page, so it will play on facebook, instead opening a another tab to go to YT?
  15. Acriey

    Embed videos to your own player

    Hello, my account is new but I have been using BHW for a while now. So, I started my own journey some time ago with some kind of a tube site (maybe I will post the journey if it becomes successful). The problem that I came accross is that the videos that I embedded in my site have a lot of ads...
  16. weirdo23

    Hosting for a movie and porn streaming website

    Hey everyone,i want to create a movie streaming website which will target my first language country,anyway i will put around 3000 movies all step by step with embed links.Anyway i want to create a porn website which will also target that same country ,anyway im looking for a vps hosting with at...
  17. fizakhan1

    How can i embed video chat like Omegle,Coomeet on my website?

    How can i embed video chat like Omegle,Coomeet on my website? please guide me.
  18. F

    Youtube Views with embed restriction

    Hey I'm looking out through some panels open some ticket support's but most of the owners they don't know for sure if it works or not and most of panels for youtube views require to be embed off otherwise it won't work, so I'm looking to buy youtube views but video owner has embed restriction...
  19. roseczech

    stream mkv file link iframe format embed

    I am looking for someone who can make this possible, My website is WP base. And here is my theme supported streaming player. I prefer embed code. what I want to happened is, Stream an MKV file link using iframe embed. Any player will do, jwplayer, divX ect,. If you know this job, please...
  20. jiggin

    Live TV Channel Lists

    I am looking for live TV Channel embed lists. I was hoping that we could posts working lists here and share with other members. If you have any sources, streaming server addresses ect... please share them here. These embed codes or links can be used in Live TV Channel websites. These...