I don't know whether it's happening with me.
I heard from a lot of people here on BHW and on LinkedIn, Twitter, FB as well that they use Grammarly premium to check plagiarism and they are satisfied with it.
For the past 30 days, I am doing extensive research on plagiarism checkers and...
Hi there,
When i was on my past journey that's need a Plagiarism Checker, I search and I've checked many Plagiarism Checkers out there and i didn't find the one that will do the job for me!
After a bit of searching, i came across this site https://text.ru/ many people may or may not know it...
If the Grammarly Premium shows zero% plagiarism can i use those articles on my money site? Or it's not so reliable.
Unicheck and Copyscape Look costlier for me.
Hello Everyone,
I want an alternative of CopyScape to check plagiarism.
I found that CopyScape didn't check deeply into the article.
Kindly suggest me any free or paid alternative of CopyScape to check 100% plagerisim form my article.
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