cloak google ads

  1. here2host for Printer Campaigns?

    Hello All, i wish to run my own Tech Support Printer campaigns on Google ads, and have a low budget (not that much low), i have prepared everything other than cloacking, 2 domains, one with a normal ecommerce printer store, and the other one with a Printer Support website, i was wondering can...
  2. A

    Another Disabled Accounts & Suspicious Payment Thread

    Hey Guys, I have been in the Adwords Cloaking business for a long time, been up and down from 60-70k Spend a Day to 5-10k. I have always been farming Accounts but as of lately Really been struggling getting Active Accounts without being Disabled or Suspended for Suspicious Payment (+1-2 Appeals...
  3. C

    Is JustCloakIt still the best ?

    Hello! I have a site that has gambling related stuff on it and i want to promote it on Google Ads, i saw the other day that many people use cloaking on Google Ads to promote similar sites. I want to ask you guys if JustCloakIt is still the best or there are other services ? Thanks!
  4. C

    Hello, I need help with cloak and google ads accounts.

    Hello, I have problems with a Casino website in Mexico. My competition managed to put their ad online for more than 2 weeks with cloak and I suppose that with a business account they have set up a "blog" which generates trust in Google and they filter the requests and that is how they have...
  5. F

    Looking for Cloak that can advertise through google and bing in March 2024

    Hey friends, I am looking for a cloak service that provides google and bing ads. Please recommend me which cloak service below is better for running google and bing ads. trafficarmor justcloakit adspect You are welcome to communicate with me privately and send me an email: [email protected]
  6. N

    Cloaking Google Ads 2024

    can anyone recommend for me cloaking for Google Ads 2024?
  7. C

    Cloaking Google-Bing specialised

    Hey there, i m new in here but i more than 10 years of experience in cloaking bing and google -ads and other programmatic advertising stuff If you have questions around just let me know if i can help
  8. clo.king

    How to Cloak and Promote Your Products on Google Merchant Center

    Today we will talk about one of the biggest problems facing people who own online stores! Everyone wants their products to appear on Google Shopping because of the great results that will come from your product showing in the Google search engine, especially in the shopping section. So today...
  9. clo.king

    ✅The Ultimate Cloaking Guide: Secrets to Running Your Offers on Any Platform✅A Step-by-Step Guide to Cloak Your Ads✅

    DO YOU WANT TO LEARN HOW TO CLOAK YOUR BLACK HAT OFFERS? Our new Cloaking e-guide will teach you how to promote your Black Hat offers on: Facebook, Google, and TikTok. The e-book comes with a Cloaking File which allows you to cloak an unlimited number of links. The Ultimate Cloaking Guide...
  10. M

    Keitaro Google ads

    i am running ads on google ads and using cloaking with keitaro using the Curl method, the campaign is active but i cannot track sales, if i setup the tracking on the Black website i am afraid to get my account banned if google notice a redirection. so i am still confused about this any ideas on...
  11. M

    Google ads cloaking

    Looking for someone to help me setup cloaking to run ads on google ads and track sales without any risk of account ban, my website is a wordpress ecommerce service,
  12. M

    Google ads cloaking

    Hello, i am using cloaking with keitaro to run my service on google ads, i want to setup tracking conversion and i want to ask if its ok? i am using the curl method, so is it ok if google ads send traffic from domain name A and track conversion on the domain name B?
  13. S

    How should a safe page look like

    I don't understand why almost everyone using safe pages not even related to keywords and ads. How do you guys are going to make a fool of Google with such safe pages? Good safe page is one of the keys to successful blackhat
  14. yueshuyayingjun

    How to create a safe page properly?

    Hello guys. Can you give me a sample safe page? I can't run cloaking because I can't even go through the policy of the safe page. I used VPS for my website and WordPress to build it. I even used Dophin {anty} and proxy for my browser. For the google ads account, I used an agency account with...
  15. jaroule

    How do i choose a neutral subject for cloaking GOOGLE ADWORDS?

    hello bhw team i need advice on how i can choose a neutreal subject similar to my target niche. please if somebody can give a good advice about this it will really help. thanx
  16. H

    Need content ideas for Crypto White Page

    Hello, I want to advertise a Cryptocurrency Exchange referral sign up link and want to create a white page for it however I don't have much ideas what should I put in it or copy. I want to create a white page that is related to cryptocurrency. If anyone can give me links of example etc. it would...