
  1. Media Nomads

    Attach Your Favorite Meme

    Let's entertain everyone here with the best memes. Add your favorite!
  2. M

    Out of Ideas? Make Yourself BORED!

    Ever feel like your brain is shutting off? Or, do you ever struggle to find great ideas? I do, so do you. Studies have shown that our brain is optimally creative while it's bored. Long story short, when you're bored your brain doesn't "go to sleep", but rather it makes new connections...
  3. 2rst1

    My parents do not think I do something useful/profitable

    Ok... Now I'm just mad, but also very motivated! My parents are just so naive and full of prejudices... I don't know if what I just wrote is exactly what I mean, because I'm not an native english speaker, but this is what I mean: They tell me that I can't spend all my time this winter in...