Zufiles??? hahaha!!!

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Jan 17, 2013
Reaction score
So first I would say that zufiles owner has two BHW VIP accounts for promoting there network and I also check Zufiles thread and Zufiles CPA thread.

Full of Fake multi accounts which are posting payment proofs.

Zufiles = Fake PPD Network
Have you tried the network and after you sent a good load of traffic your revenue was too low to be real?
People like you make me sick.
He doesn't deserve to be here. Fake promotion of network + fake leader boards. What more? So funny ^^
I tried Zufiles and got some cash from the network , so please shut up, Hater.
We already warned our members not to join this new overnight ppd site's. It's their choice !

Just seen some Zufiles spam on another thread
Dear OP,

These are wild accusations you are posting which can potentially harm a business.

I will allow you to post proof in your next post. If not this thread will be closed and removed.

Dear OP,

These are wild accusations you are posting which can potentially harm a business.

I will allow you to post proof in your next post. If not this thread will be closed and removed.


First I was like: Normal member can't close threads, what is he talking about.
Then I saw that you're a moderator in training :)
As part of the agreement of listing an affiliate program on BHW we are given back access to the system and i can confirm that real commission has been paid out and that this is a legitimate company.

So first I would say that zufiles owner has two BHW VIP accounts for promoting there network and I also check Zufiles thread and Zufiles CPA thread.

Full of Fake multi accounts which are posting payment proofs.

Zufiles = Fake PPD Network
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