Your marketing/idea, my programming


Junior Member
Oct 24, 2013
Reaction score
Hello BHW.

Ive been a programmer for about 12 years. I do PHP, javascript, HTML, SQL, C#, ASP.NET, and more. I work a fortune 500 company, well, a fortune 30 company as an application systems engineer.

If you can think it, I can build it. Looking for a partner with a background in marketing and sales, someone to decide what we should build and how to sell it, and I will build it.

SKYPE: IotaInsanity
JV Approved

Please note: When you go into partnership with another member, you MUST do your own due diligence. All partners in a venture take full responsibility for the service and for each other's actions in respect to that service. If any member breaks the marketplace rules, all partners will bear the consequences.

Remember, use your head, don't expect everything to be perfect and plan on working to be successful as almost no business opportunity just pours cash into your hands without some elbow grease.
Send me your works you did and what is your best comfort zone of programming.
Sent you more information. Still looking

I added you to skype. Lets talk! I think your skills can help, I have everything set up already, just need some help with Ad costs (50/50 and scaling), I`ll do ads and you can help make the site nicer and smoother
hey. pms sent. talking to a few people nothing concrete yet. still looking if interested
OP, If you can make simple bots in C# and NET then I might have an offer for you.
PM me some examples of your work, the type of programs you usually make or any simple IM or SEO bot.
Don't like messing about on Skype so I want to see samples first, if I feel satisfied we can take it to the next step and chat on Skype.
Pm me Your Capabilities Please... I Have Tons of Things in my Mind.
Serious Inquiry ,