wp-login.php redirect to wrong url


Jan 11, 2012
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By mistake i have installed a php script in my root directory, where wordpress is available. After that my all permalinks has been change. After modifying .htaccess file and modified file permission by ftp now my site is almost ok. Now i can't log-in admin panel, when i am giving admin user name and password then url redirect to wrong url (index.php has shown) and nothing found for index php login. How can i remove that extra index.php for log-in my wordpress admin control panel?

So how wp-login.php has overwrite, any idea how to solve it.

Experts please help me, Thanking in advance.
You could try to re-upload the core of WP to the root.. Most core files will most likley be the same (if you never edited any of them)
It may put it back in working order...
the WP site and the script probably use a few of the same files
Config, index, htaccess etc..