Would Paypal flag this behavior?


Sep 8, 2020
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I'm going to be taking gift cards as payment for a service.
I was planning on making a second basic paypal account to link the gift card to, and then pay an invoice to my main Paypal account.
Would paypal flag the stealth or main accounts?
Would it be a red flag to continuously link gift cards and make payments as the only activity?
You'll be fine as long as you take juggling lessons and learn to juggle with fire.

Good chance PP will catch that unless you go the extra mile.
Would that put my main account at risk?
What would the extra mile be in this case?
I could just go with a CC payment processor, but was considering this option anyway.
Would that put my main account at risk?
What would the extra mile be in this case?
I could just go with a CC payment processor, but was considering this option anyway.

When you have multiple PP accounts you do not want to link them in any way at all.

Don't send to one, don't send an invoice, different everything as well.

I would go with a CC processor like 2CO (whoever owns them these days), Stripe, Square or even your bank where you have your business accounts.

PP gets wind of that and they could hold your money for 6 months.
When you have multiple PP accounts you do not want to link them in any way at all.

Don't send to one, don't send an invoice, different everything as well.

I would go with a CC processor like 2CO (whoever owns them these days), Stripe, Square or even your bank where you have your business accounts.

PP gets wind of that and they could hold your money for 6 months.

I thought it was somewhat common for people to use stealth pp to accept payment and then transfer to the main?
Taking precaution to keep the accounts separate in regards to IPs/browsers/etc is manageable if that's what you're referring to in regards to them being linked.

Why don't you just use one account?
I've thought about it, but I'm not sure if I can directly withdraw funds from the gift card to the bank; haven't tried that yet.
I also don't want to cause a red flag on my main account by cycling through multiple gift cards.
Running the second account also gives security to chargebacks, though I'm not sure if a chargeback on a gift card is even possible...
I'd suggest to stick with one.