Will Google Ever Die?

SEO Duke

Senior Member
Jul 19, 2021
Reaction score
Will Google Ever Die?
This could be a futuristic discussion. I also thought many times about it .
No because its not a living thing. Companys either go bankrupt, closed or stay forever.

Google for example will stay forever. They are too far ahead. They also earn a lot on AI and Cloud....
Just as anything else people thought was too big to fall. The Roman empire fell, and The Mongol Empire fell. More recently, ICQ, AskJeeves, Netscape.
Even more recently, when was the last time you really wanted a new Nokia phone?
Google is not just a company. It's a mindset that cannot be broken in any way cause it's deeply rooted in today's generation who use it, and the upcoming generation is subconsciously trained at a young age to use google, and there will be even more use of google than today's generation who are using it.
As long as it's subsidized by Gov contracts direct and indirect, nope.
If they do not drastically change their business model, eventually they would die out. However, we have no reason to believe they wont adapt as needed.
This's like asking if death will ever die.

Except the Fed comes for it, but that's highly improbable.
Google has comes to stay baby.
It will die when singularity arrive. Then real AI will destroy the humanity or assimilate us.
Google will not be needed.
Another thing can happen in 20-30 years. AI auto websites are making so trash in the internet, so Google Search will loose any trust.
You will not know if website is made by AI or human. More search engines can arrive, but with closed data set to protect viewers from artificial content
If Yahoo and Bing are alive I don't see Google going anywhere as far as the internet is still a thing
It's like asking if Amazon will ever die