Why is Exec VIP @T0mmy banned?

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If you break the rules, you get banned. No matter whether you're a newbie, exec, or a mod.
If you're here long enough - you know what I'm talking about.

This is one of the reasons I like this forum, no one is above the rules.
Too many emotions. Business at their level is hard enough. Drugs and bad habits during bad days are problematic.

Mods are like clients. If you say something stupid, you can expect the end of cooperation. It's probably one of the reasons businesses fail - their customer support is shitting on them.
I don't understand what you're unto. Who is taking (hard)drugs?
Damn, imagine building up such a reputation over the years on a platform to get banned. Wish him all the best, saw some good stuff around here from him before.
Just a possibility. I tried to say drugs or bad habits. Many members got banned due to browsing forum in not so good state of mind.
I don't know if they complained to you. But I don't think that's the case. Whatever it is, it is a bit strange.
This is one of the reasons I like this forum, no one is above the rules.
I wanted to say this. Even though it sucks to lose a long-term member that was active and respected, it is important to keep the rules the same for everyone.

Who is t0mmy and why should I care?
You're new.

Bonus question - who got dibs on an empty exec vip slot? :D
The real question is why did you comment if you don't care?
You can easily see who t0mmy is by searching their name.

Yeh I know, believe it or not I did but all I see is another seller... someone who was banking some from a decent side hustle whilst everyone here is like ZOMG T0mmy got banned?!? Like bored housewives reading a gossip mag but thought i'd check any way in case I was missing something, considering he was a 'executive vip' whatever that curtails.
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This is not the first or even the third time a respected member of the forum, I'm seeing get banned.
One thing remains constant; abuse of staff. Why do they keep doing that?
Abuse of power and greed are very human things sadly. Doesn't matter whether you are a politician, CEO of a fortune 500 company or selling cookies in the streets.
Damn, imagine building up such a reputation over the years on a platform to get banned. Wish him all the best, saw some good stuff around here from him befor
Someone said: It takes 20 years to build a reputation and 5 minutes to ruin it.
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