Why is everyone using skype?


Regular Member
Feb 19, 2015
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Don't see a skype forum here, so...

I'm on a dozen forums or so, but have only been asked once or twice about skyping. Suddenly here, it's almost daily.

I've never used it before and don't have a webcam hooked up, but just wondering why exactly everyone is using skype here. Is it just the obvious of good quick face to face, or is there something else about anonymity, confirmation of some kind, etc...

Just not understanding why, for instance people are signing up for groups using skype id's.

If you are in hack forums then all of them use ICQ otherwise on most opf IM forums Everybody uses skype even if you dont like you have to
Most people don't use it for face to face calls but rather just as a simple messenger software
Cuz google can't read that yet.

Well ... yeah, but Microsoft can, and that's basically the same thing if we put SEO aside.

Because it is the most popular Instant Messaging software. That's it. It's popular because it's popular. Just like MSN was.
OK, so just basically an IM that Google can't read, then?

So I really don't need webcam then, right?
Nobody uses it for calling/video chatting purposes from what I can tell, I deal with people over Skype too, but via chat, never called anyone from BHW, and I don't want to either, because I swear to God these guys can do shit that'll creep you out, I've seen it myself.
Nobody uses it for calling/video chatting purposes from what I can tell, I deal with people over Skype too, but via chat, never called anyone from BHW, and I don't want to either, because I swear to God these guys can do shit that'll creep you out, I've seen it myself.
this. everyone uses it for chat
I've never used it to actually call anyone either and I kind of thought the same thing that you had to do face to face.
I prefer Skype for personal needs. Very rarely I add someone for business.
Skype is Free & Easy.
I use skype because Everyone uses it. All my partners, clients, friends. They made me use it =)
Waiting for a new messenger to get more popular. Skype's old.

Until then I'll keep using carrier pigeon
But seriously : Simple answer is everyone has it on their pc or phone and it's free & fast.

Once it was ICQ, then yahoo messenger, then MSN, etc....each era had its messenger.

About Google not being able to read it...I was just kidding. Google can read anything, they're the NSA.
Skype is the popular choice for the IM industry.

One thing I love about skype is the ability to join groups and forming masterminds. :)