Why Google Suspends an AdSense Account – Reasons for Ban

Paul Bola

Aug 19, 2016
Reaction score
It’s now time to play safe from our end, as we never knew the improved TOC of Google AdSense. Google earns the majority of its billions from AdWords, and they don’t want to entertain any monkey business in their networks, understand how a Google Adsense account will be banned.

Click Coercion:
You are not supposed to fool visitors into clicking on your ads by mistake, or by chance.

Click Fraud: Click Fraud is just like it sounds. You shouldn’t click on your own ads, or getting others to click on them.

Made For AdSense (MFA) Sites: Made For AdSense websites doesn’t add any value to their readers, or which have very little content in their websites These websites are created with the sole purpose of hosting ads in various pages.

Incentivized Traffic: You are not supposed to send incentivized traffic to AdSense enabled pages.

Low Quality Websites: Google has become smart in penalizing AdSense accounts on the basis of individual sites.

Content Violations: There are many types of categories and content which will get you banned from AdSense instantly.

Copyrighted Material: According to Google AdSense TOC, you cannot use copyrighted content in your website.



  • Do build websites of high quality and content.
  • Build your sites using positive practises
  • Build your business with sustainability strategies
  • Build more websites that add value in some manner

  • Don’t invest your time on short term goals like auto blogging.
  • Don’t invest your time to find loopholes, as they will be resolved very quickly
  • Avoid using black hat and grey hat techniques while using AdSense.
  • Don’t forget about the fact of getting banned from all the AdSense enabled websites with your single low quality website.
  • Don’t purposely game the AdSense system for additional clicks or views.

By following these above guidelines, I’m sure you’ll never complain about Google suspending your AdSense accounts.

Source : SeoSiren.com
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A nice copy and paste from SeoSiren, you should give a credit to them buddy, or you are the owner I presume.
You also can't place ads to close to dropdown menu's as visitors could potentially mis click the menu, so ad placement is important
Also, Ads in a sticky sidebar would be an AdSense policy violation. No ads in floating boxes of any kind , unless you have premium adsense account.
haha my bad I didnt saw it. Some said if you put adsense on illegal streaming site will get banned, but I saw there are many illegal sites do this without any issues, the only thing is that they are not english sites.
Yes these are quite important points, however sometimes google bans without any apparent reasons.
It’s now time to play safe from our end, as we never knew the improved TOC of Google AdSense. Google earns the majority of its billions from AdWords, and they don’t want to entertain any monkey business in their networks, understand how a Google Adsense account will be banned.

Click Coercion:
You are not supposed to fool visitors into clicking on your ads by mistake, or by chance.

Click Fraud: Click Fraud is just like it sounds. You shouldn’t click on your own ads, or getting others to click on them.

Made For AdSense (MFA) Sites: Made For AdSense websites doesn’t add any value to their readers, or which have very little content in their websites These websites are created with the sole purpose of hosting ads in various pages.

Incentivized Traffic: You are not supposed to send incentivized traffic to AdSense enabled pages.

Low Quality Websites: Google has become smart in penalizing AdSense accounts on the basis of individual sites.

Content Violations: There are many types of categories and content which will get you banned from AdSense instantly.

Copyrighted Material: According to Google AdSense TOC, you cannot use copyrighted content in your website.



  • Do build websites of high quality and content.
  • Build your sites using positive practises
  • Build your business with sustainability strategies
  • Build more websites that add value in some manner

  • Don’t invest your time on short term goals like auto blogging.
  • Don’t invest your time to find loopholes, as they will be resolved very quickly
  • Avoid using black hat and grey hat techniques while using AdSense.
  • Don’t forget about the fact of getting banned from all the AdSense enabled websites with your single low quality website.
  • Don’t purposely game the AdSense system for additional clicks or views.

By following these above guidelines, I’m sure you’ll never complain about Google suspending your AdSense accounts.

Source : SeoSiren.com
Google's famous for non-reason ban, you don't know that?
Or sometimes just don't try to understand Google.