Having a post that's sticky would cut into his profits. He would have to charge more money for the same quality pbns as someone else because he has to cover the cost of sticky postsI'd suggest going and reading the reviews of the sticky posts on the "SEO - link building" forum. If a seller is any good, he or she will pay to make the post sticky.
Having a post that's sticky would cut into his profits. He would have to charge more money for the same quality pbns as someone else because he has to cover the cost of sticky posts
Nargil, what span of time do you consider as short term projectsIf you are planning to invest heavily into PBN links, then I would definitely avoid the marketplace. There are a few good sellers there that I use, but I use them for churn and burn projects or short-term projects only.
Nargil, what span of time do you consider as short term projects
Nargil, what span of time do you consider as short term projects
It does cut into their profits. But that's completely unrelated. Here your saying the people with quality pbns are the ones with sticky posts. Well if they are spending hundreds on advertising, they have to increase their prices. But someone with the same quality pbns can charge lower. What makes their pbns quality if they have sticky posts?By that same logic, Coke shouldn't advertise because it will cut into their profits.