Which payment gateway you use without BR/LLC and no monthly fee?


Power Member
Nov 23, 2019
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Looking for non us/non eu client serving gateways since they would most likely accept no BR/LLC terms and no monthly fee. Please recommend ones you have used and have had no random account closures and stuck withdrawals and hopefully with low to no charge backs.
Looked at their reviews and it scared me lol, are you still using them?
Yes, but it's the most easy payment gateway with liberal policy. I think you will not find anything better
You have never face any withdrawal or account suspensions with them?
You have never face any withdrawal or account suspensions with them?
Never, I processed even $5k without ID xD
Now I sent them documents, they approved <24h
Waiting for testing payment (for different domain) and if pass, I am going to use it

Got 1 chargeback and no problem
That's pretty decent then. Let's see if anyone else know's a good provider as well
2checkout. I've used them before and it works. When you don't have many options, work with what's available. I've also used paddle and fastspring for digital products.
2checkout. I've used them before and it works. When you don't have many options, work with what's available. I've also used paddle and fastspring for digital products.
**2checkout(Veriphone). Has anyone had success as a BUSINESS sign up, do you need Address verification for a Business, by that I mean "electricity" bill for the BUsiness (I am not concerned about personal/private accounts) thanks.
2checkout. I've used them before and it works. When you don't have many options, work with what's available. I've also used paddle and fastspring for digital products.
How was fees is per transaction basis for all 3?
paddle needs verification and they are quite strict
fastspring do they require verification?
2checkout. I've used them before and it works. When you don't have many options, work with what's available. I've also used paddle and fastspring for digital products.