Where does a beginner practice?

bruce willson

Aug 9, 2017
Reaction score
I have knowledge of servers and programming, nothing too fancy but plenty sufficient. On SEO and promotion though, that's where I struggle.

There are ten million different guides and tutorials, all in the air and barely useful if i'm being honest.

Instead, I would like to practice myself. What websites, what platforms do you frequent to gather this knowledge? For instance, I do know a lot about Youtube as a platform because I'm there, so I know the policies etc.
But with SEO you have google adsense google adwords sites like flippa , basically the web industry is enormous.

Any good grounds to practice in? Cause I barely see any point in reading theoritical stuff, I want to learn the same way those tutorial writers have come to this point that they can share this info.
From what I read, you are not looking at the big picture. SEO, programming etc. are small dots of the overall picture. Start with solving a problem of a particular user group or demographic which has not been solved yet or little solution has been derived so far. See how you can develop a tool to solve that problem using your programming skills and finally connect all the small dots to build something valuable for the human civilization. You can use AI or ML models for the same as well which matches your interests. I hope my words make sense to you. Good luck my friend :) Cheers :)
I agree with @SERPhustler you gotta start creating things and not over-complicate before you even begin.

A basic task for a programmer would be to create a calculator app.

Give yourself a small task according to where you want to reach.

SEO Example: Let's say you should rank on number one spot on google for a search term such as [insert your name]+[insert your city]

Bruce willson Kansas

The above given task would a good task to start with if you want to be a pro in SEO.

There will be no competition for these kind of unique keywords so it would be easy and achievable for beginners unless you name is too common or is shared celebrity name.

In this process you will also learn a lot about SEO tactics and techniques, some are easier to do and risky for business and some takes a long time and stay put.

Once you complete this task, you can move to bigger projects and also start learning about different aspects of digital marketing.

All the best :)
Get started with something you're passionate about. Build momentum & roll.
In BHW try to read the BHW new beginners guide given by the forum. you can start learning about the BHW
Experiment on your own project or choose authority niche site and improve their positions for selected kws. They won't be grateful for that and you will not get credit but experience only. I would start building my own project.
Create a website and rank it there is no other way.