What software is better for bookmarking - using Senuke X or Bookmarking Deamon?


Registered Member
Nov 30, 2011
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Before I want to buy access to SEO tools in terms of SEO tools,

I would like to know what is better Senuke X or Bookmarking Deamon?

What is the advantages of Senuke X over the Bookmarking Deamon?

What is the advantages of Bookmarking Deamon over the Senuke X?

In term of price subscription which is better?

Hope to here to you soon

Thanks folks
For bookmarking purpose only BMD is the best choice in the market . Senuke does many more functions like profiles etc .
For bookmarking purposes only as mentioned above BMD because it has more sites i think. If you are looking for SEO in general then SENX would be the best choice but most cases it's not enough you need SB or XR as well.
What is SB and XR?

Do I need to use a combination of the seo tools?

What is White Hat SEO?
SB is scrapebox
XR is xrummer

A combination or what others call link diversity might be good for your seo efforts since your backlinks would be coming from different sources.
Bookmarking Demon is a far better tool. It is dedicated solely to the process of posting bookmarks.
You're comparing a kitchen knife (BMD) with a swiss army knife senukex.

If you just want to bookmark then bmd is the choice.
But what is the best Seo tools that increase the pagerank....

and also it can get the keyword on the first page of google..
But what is the best Seo tools that increase the pagerank....

and also it can get the keyword on the first page of google..

Don't focus on pagerank as that is amateurish. With the right skills, PR 0 sites can outrank PR 5s any day of the week. Focus on SERPS, which provides the traffic for sales and not some green on the foolbar that brings nothing more then bragging rights. In fact, Google tracks your activity with the foolbar, so it is best to just uninstall it and pursue proven IM techniques.

BTW senuke sux ass for bookmarking. Your success rate would be far better doing bookmarking by hand lol
Oh hell....before you start spending money on tools...you need to understand the basics of how SEO works. You can have all the tools in the world but honestly they will only help you if you know how/when to apply them.
i dont get good results on BMD have a list with 10k bookmarking sites, but the results are poor....

problem is, bmd does not delete non working sites....
a run costs me $10 for captchas but get just 1 k links....unverified

is it a problem of my list or general bmd?
I was far from impressed with senukeX. Yeah it can do a lot of things but for the price you could buy several tools that are specially designed to take care of the tasks you need done. Plus, they would be a one time purchase. If I were you, then instead of going with senuke I would use that money to buy myself one tool a month. A month will be enough time to get proficient with the tool and then you will be ready to move on to the next one. Just my two cents. But, I did go with senukex first, and since I have switched to the one tool a month plan things have been going MUCH better for me and my wallet :-)
I have a senuke X but it give lower success rate on account creation any tips or strategy to have higher success rate on account creation
Also ,It is dedicated solely to the process of posting bookmarks. Thanks