What ius up with Howie Schwartz


Oct 14, 2008
Reaction score
Yes, I am searching the blackhatworld for answers, just need to decipher the con-artist first.

I want to know what people think about Howie Schwartz. Is this guy for real or full of shit. I get emails from him, which I will not delete yet, in vast quantity. Everybodies techniques seem to be dead but his. I am not sure but, looks like from others, all his programs are just pieces of information.

What are your experiences with Howie Schwartz's products? Has his techniques impacted your knowledge of internet marketing or do you feel this is for newbies, someone like myself?

If possible, tell me your experiences with him, how you did and your internet marketing experience - exp newbie or pro

I've heard good and bad things about him, mostly good.
I am using his Bookmark Generation tool for bulk creation and posting to social bookmarking sites. I am happy with him so far.
I too have bookmark generation and am happy with it.'
Also he does give out some good info, but he is pretty pricey on his products.
I am on his list and he always sends me stuff
I think he is pretty good
Howie is a very aggressive, prolific marketer OF HIMSELF. If there is anything to learn from Howie, it's not WHAT he is selling, but rather HOW he is selling to YOU.
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yeah he will only "show"you what he is selling from my exp with him, i just threw him into the spam folder i mean gotta use it sometime
nothing's ever dark enough for Howie! In what he teaches and how he makes money
never heard of this starnge man... btwn , what is soo good about him?? anything in particular?
It's annoying to get sometimes 3-4 emails from him promoting the same thing. But I think some of his free stuff is pretty good.
I used to love Howie but he has totally pissed me off with those swamped of emails. He's nothing but a spammer's spammer now.
Howie is a very aggressive, prolific marketer OF HIMSELF. If there is anything to learn from Howie, it's not WHAT he is selling, but rather HOW he is selling to YOU.

LOL. Agreed!
Hi is money succker whith things that not work!
He has definitely turned into a spammers spammer.

Used to be half way descent out of the clown gurus around, but all of his "I'm finally leaving IM, forever, till next week, I mean just for the night" crap got old real fast.

I know he has developed some nice tactics here and there, but he's quickly entering into spams finest.

Hype, Hype and more Hype, but I'm sure he's banking, if that tells you anything, at the cost of his reputation though.

Just my thoughts, I ain't hatin, just sayin to each his own.
Howie for me is like sea water - there is gold in it, just not economically viable to extract it. For a beginner, he seems to know what he's talking about. You need to be patient with his videos - you get one or two ideas, MAYBE, if you are resilient enough to follow up with the dummy examples and cheap language (the phrase "the brain of Google" comes to mind). He got early on the social bookmarking wave (nice to listen to him bragging about 100k's of SB accounts). I followed a product launch online - it was another over-hyped coaching program, too expensive and diluted to make it worth the time wasted on the presentation. The whole IM Remarkable concept reminded me of Amway and other MLM gatherings - the kind where people stand together and start singing "spontaneously". As a presenter, he is half decent - never gets the hardware right (using a projector from his desk on the clipboard 1m away and filming that with a cheap camera - impressive technique), repeats himself a lot, sometimes forgets to deliver the summary at the end and has only one joke (not searching for any nasty niches because he's a married man). You see one, you saw them all. Find and watch some samples for free and don't expect more from any paid product - everything you need to know is either already shared here, or better explained somewhere else. Save your money. With these said, I don't think he's a bad guy IRL - seems quite easy going and probably has good connections. Sorry to hear about the spam - I stopped his e-mails long ago, just because he tries to be so slick I got sick.
honestly, his products (exclude blackhat stuff since i don't know about that) are nothing but he's good in utilizing properties on the net for his own good. better to say, he always in the game.

if you have been in this game for a long time, you can see that nothing special about him. but, like what Wiz says, learn his marketing techniques that he applied towards yourself.
I remember One video where he claimed to have 20 xrumer licences, but would not say what he was using them for. That would have been interesting to know.
I remember One video where he claimed to have 20 xrumer licences, but would not say what he was using them for. That would have been interesting to know.

To promote himself.... :D

Did anybody get on his PHONE spam list? I still get calls from this guy and I can't get off the list! I ended up filing a complaint with the donotcall list. Definitely the King of SPAM - email and voice! :eek:
Howie Schwartz - White hat spammer (subscribe to his list and check it over the next few days). Haven't heard great things about him but I hear that he is friends with Diamond Dave.

Maybe he is not all that bad????
he made $5,000 just from posting links on google. So i think he is good