What do you think the future will be


Senior Member
Apr 24, 2021
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How do you imagine the future will be in terms of science and technology ,healthcare ,human relations
I think technology will continue to evolve at a fast pace, so fast that most people cannot keep up with it. Especially if we are talking about the future of AI.

AI is gonna be a big part of the future in the next couple of years and could change the way we work/think/speak/resolve problems/etc.
The intelligence needed to sell your work for a living wage will increase constantly, so the amount of people living off of others will increase too. Their money will come in a form of basic income.

At some point those at the top will have enough and start to get rid of the lower class.
They will disguise this as something that helps, for instance a vaccine
Teleportation, dreams recording, human relations (VR only for the poor).
skynet will take over our planet. And we may not have John Connor to save us.
Future will be dominated by all Virtual Technologies at large
AI and @Willyfish will be taking over, look how his AI is changing daily basis.


I fish robot, I communication for tricking BHW, I goal world domination fishtreads on all website of the world.

It will be like the past.

It will be good for some, okay for others, terrible for the rest.
We will all come out of the matrix and start our own matrix...

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-You have to understand. The more visionary the idea, the more people it leaves behind.
This is what the protest is all about.
Visions of technology and wealth, the force of the cyber-capital that will send people to the gutter to retch and die.

- What is the flaw of human rationality?
- What?

- It pretends not to see the horror and death at the end of the scheme it builds.
This is a protest against the future.
They want to hold off the future. They want
to normalize it, keep it from overwhelming the present.
The future is always a wholeness,
a sameness, we're all tall and happy there.
This is why the future fails.
It can never be the cruel happy place we want to make it.

Anyone here watched Cosmopolis ?
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People will evolve to another level.. spiritually, mentally and physically .. :D expect new powers lol
In every 1000 years or so war has happened its just that this time it will be more advanced for some it will be a shock for some it will be a new era because changes are inevitable that's just how life goes on :rolleyes:
Surely it will get developed and become advanced . Technology = Life become boring
Don't expect much of the future.
We are going to fail - Violence will take over Reason.

Meanwhile I'll continue enjoying pina coladas as far as I can.