What am i doing wrong here ?

Feb 26, 2016
Reaction score
I've gotten my first 10 clicks on my OGAds landing pages in total i started 3-4 days ago.
But still haven't got a penny.

Am i doing soemthing wrong here ?

I made an instagram account and named it after my niche im trying to get as much followers per day as i can ranging between 100-200 but is it normal that i didnt get paid in those 10 'clicks'?

Any advice is always welcome ,

Edit : I can't seem to upload a screenshot ? It's a imgur link
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You only get paid when someone downloads from it not just clicks it.
10 clicks is not enough for results, when I first started I got 15 clicks and had 0 conversions.. the next day I logged on, 2 clicks 4 conversions, target traffic is crucial also.
Just clicking isnt what the action they want.. There has to be downloads
Note that with a saturated method like this, the conversions will continously decrease. The way I see, it is more likely the conversions will be between 0.8 - 4% (if any)
You are not doing anything wrong. Its all learning process.

Change or add something to your method, either learn more about Instagram, and build a strong instagram account.

Model some of the top instagram account in your niche.
A click is just someone looking at your page. The visitor has to complete a survey for you to get a commission. 100% of visitors don't do a survey. For me the number is around 10%. It varies for everyone depending on a multitude of factors, most of which you can control.

Scale it up. You're at only 10 clicks. Your 12th click could be the one that turns into your first commission. Aim for 100, 500, 1000+ clicks. Work on your site consistently and your traffic will keep going up.
True on Amazon, i get about 16 orders every 200 clicks, i don't believe in google, social media traffic is the future. they will become google.
You need traffic. If you can get 100 or more clicks a day you will prob see results. Maybe check out a instagram bot when you have enough money in 2-3 months. Spend $10 on some traffic to test stuff out. If you see results don't be afraid to spend money. Instagram shout outs can help. Interview people in your niche, have them shout you out on their instagram. Don't just rely on gram. Build a site or make a youtube channel that is related. Go on aliexpress and do cheap giveaways. If ogads is not working combine it with aliexpress or another affiliate. Gleam is a good tool for giveaways and forces people to sub you on youtube, follow you, etc before they can enter.
The screenshot thing is probably because you don't have enough posts yets