[Weekend Thread] My theory on face masks


Elite Member
Mar 8, 2019
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Imagine you wanted to find out from your entire population, who would be a potential troublemaker and who could be seen as sheep who would do the authorities bidding.

In peace time, with a democratically elected government, that would be a very slow and resource intense exercise. You would have to tap phones, use surveillance teams, cultivate, and pay informants.

What if the perfect excuse to create a self-governing, enforced under the guise of voluntary act situation, landed right on your lap?

Well it did, CORVID-19.

Lets say you go to a shop and forget your mask.

The sheep would go home and return with it then shop.

The troublemaker would take a chance and stroll in the shop then hope no one bitches at him/her/it/.

Most shops have surveillance cameras.

You have just identified a huge number of potential troublemakers and sheep without having to spend a penny.

Now what if you wanted to identify potential violent people willing to use force against authorities?

Easy, do not stop rioting and looting, in fact encourage it through national media and authority figures.
Make it easy for the rioters to riot and then when you arrest them let them go so those who were scared of causing trouble because they think they will go to jail, come out and also riot.

But then you are thinking, everyone is getting mad at the government for letting the rioting go on.

But your wrong, because what you will see soon, is authorities crushing riots and arresting all those on that list they have gathered.
Civil unrest quashed, bad people in jail.
The authorities get voted back in for bringing peace and normality back to the masses.

Then the real behind the scenes purge will begin !!
All data is available from the 1918 Spanish tells us that:

1/3 of the world caught it (approximately 500.000.000)
Between 17.000.000 and 50.000.000 died

And it is a clear fact the human race is infinitely retarded since then and I look forward to darwin theory doing its thing with the idiots.

I strongly suggest all those against vaccines go have a big rally someplace remote.

Yeah I saw this terrible thing to see. And this one that is really recent.. and I don't agree with both, becasue I dont live in a country (yet) where people would allow this to happen.

All data is available from the 1918 Spanish tells us that:

1/3 of the world caught it (approximately 500.000.000)
Between 17.000.000 and 50.000.000 died

And it is a clear fact the human race is infinitely retarded since then and I look forward to darwin theory doing its thing with the idiots.

I strongly suggest all those against vaccines go have a big rally someplace remote.

I Agree, Herd immunity should have been the go to method for a much effective method, as it was in 1918!
You don't need Covid to find out what you are describing. By default, 99% of the population is sheep and 1% is the "troublemakers" like you say. This ratio was true 10 thousand years ago when the population was just millions, it's true today when it's almost 8B and it will remain true no matter how much we grow. And btw, this ratio doesn't just exist in humans only, it exists on all beings (animals, plants, etc..) on our planet. That's why ecosystems are formed and you have the food chain like it is today.
That picture is from September 2014 :)

Yeah I know it is lol.. I suspect its been made up by someone to prove that anyone can add some text to a picture to change the narrative.. just my theory :)
Yeah I know it is lol.. I suspect its been made up by someone to prove that anyone can add some text to a picture to change the narrative.. just my theory :)

It’s happening from people on both sides of the argument. Hard to know what‘s real and what’s not in this day and age :D
Yeah I saw this terrible thing to see. And this one that is really recent.. and I don't agree with both, becasue I dont live in a country (yet) where people would allow this to happen.

View attachment 159042

Whooooaaaa! That's too much. Could they just handover masks to them instead of doing that!? In this time of pandemic, we should be help each other not humiliate.