Web3 money making methods


Jul 9, 2017
Reaction score
Hi All
just wondering if anyone making real money with web3 ?(If yes what are they ?)
Are there any good SAAS/Project ideas ?
What if the person used web3 to design social networks like Facebook and others
NFTs minting is at peak , but manipulating NFT is good games for good programmers , they are making hefty amounts outta it !
I need more info
you are literally ~1.5 year too late to the NFT shitshow (or godsent for some).
While NFT still works... it's no way near it's peak in 2021
Which projects you are talking about bro ? I think it will take some to get back on the track for NFTs.
Hawk said that back in May 2022, NFTs were somewhat still clinging onto life, i wouldn't call it peak, peak was like oct/Nov2021ish
That was truly it's peak.
you are literally ~1.5 year too late to the NFT shitshow (or godsent for some).
While NFT still works... it's no way near it's peak in 2021

Hawk said that back in May 2022, NFTs were somewhat still clinging onto life, i wouldn't call it peak, peak was like oct/Nov2021ish
That was truly it's peak.
Haha oops ! I didn't saw the date my mistake.
Yup I agree with you Nov21 to Jan was good time.