Want To Buy


Super Moderator
Staff member
Mar 26, 2013
Reaction score
The Want to Buy section is for people who want to buy a specific service or product. If you are looking to hire a person please check our Hire a Freelancer section instead.

Rules for posting
Anyone can currently post a Want to Buy thread. For the best results make sure you make it very clear what exactly it is you're looking for and what your budget is.

Rules for replying
To reply to a Want to Buy thread you will need to have an active Jr VIP, Premium or Marketplace seller subscription.

We also advise that if you currently have a marketplace thread which is relevant to the OP's request, please link it when you reply. This will enable the user to see your reviews and mod approval.

Before posting it's worth looking at the marketplace https://www.blackhatworld.com/forums/#the-marketplace.73 as you may find what you need there. Existing sales threads will have been reviewed and approved by a moderator when they were posted. They will also have customer reviews you can check before you buy.

Currently we do not allow users to post requests for the following:
  • Craigslist services, posting or account verification.
  • Ebay Accounts or EPN accounts.
Posts that break these rules will be removed and you may get a warning. Any further additions to this list may be added over time, so you should always check this list before posting here. Posts that break our Terms and Rules will be removed and you may get a warning.

Do not use this section to advertise your services

Do not post a thread here advertising your services, products or sites as these will be deleted and you will receive a warning. To advertise your services on BlackHatWorld, you can submit a thread to our marketplace as long as you have an active Jr VIP or Marketplace Seller subscription. You can find more information on submitting a marketplace thread here: https://www.blackhatworld.com/seo/the-black-hat-world-marketplace-rules.1295700/

If you do not meet the requirements for Jr VIP and wish to advertise in your signature, you can buy Premium Membership and advertise in your signature. You are allowed to have either a linkable banner in your signature (must be under 728x90px with no flashing colours or call-to-actions) OR you can have up to 3 text links. Signatures that break these rules will be deleted without notice and you may receive a warning.

Staying safe
BHW offers no escrow or protection on deals conducted on the forum. Everything is done at your own risk with no guarantees made on any user's behalf of any kind. Before completing a business transaction on the Want to Buy section, you should conduct a background check on the user before sending any money. To do this search their name within the dispute resolution forum. Please keep all communication within BHW using the PM feature and make payments using a method with buyer protection such as PayPal.

Make sure you do your own due diligence before conducting any business transaction with members of the forum as this is made at your own risk. For more information on protecting yourself, this thread contains useful information: https://www.blackhatworld.com/seo/how-to-avoid-scams.1038381/

Above all, use common sense. If you are not happy with an agreement, inform the other party you do not wish to continue before you commit to providing or buying a service.
If you feel you have been ripped off or a transaction is not conducted properly, please post a thread within the dispute resolution forum. Make sure you read the dispute resolution rules before submitting your thread to make sure your thread can be approved.

Support desk guide: https://support.blackhatworld.com/support/solutions/articles/48001231523-want-to-buy
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Have I confirmed my identity or can't I post it in the trading area?
can we change the website theme to white or some other colour ...

Scroll down to the bottom of the page where it says "BlackHatWorld-2015-BlackVersion". If you click that, there's a white for you to select if you don't like the default dark theme.
The Want to Buy section is for people who want to buy a specific service or product. If you are looking to hire a person please check our https://www.blackhatworld.com/forums/hire-a-freelancer.76/ section instead.

Rules for posting
Anyone can currently post a Want to Buy thread. For the best results make sure you make it very clear what exactly it is you're looking for and what your budget is.

Rules for replying
To reply to a Want to Buy thread you will need to have an active Jr VIP, Premium or Marketplace seller subscription.

We also advise that if you currently have a marketplace thread which is relevant to the OP's request, please link it when you reply. This will enable the user to see your reviews and mod approval.

Before posting it's worth looking at the marketplace https://www.blackhatworld.com/forums/#the-marketplace.73 as you may find what you need there. Existing sales threads will have been reviewed and approved by a moderator when they were posted. They will also have customer reviews you can check before you buy.

Currently we do not allow users to post requests for the following:
  • Craigslist services, posting or account verification.
  • Ebay Accounts or EPN accounts.
Posts that break these rules will be removed and you may get a warning. Any further additions to this list may be added over time, so you should always check this list before posting here. Posts that break our https://www.blackhatworld.com/help/terms will be removed and you may get a warning.

Do not use this section to advertise your services

Do not post a thread here advertising your services, products or sites as these will be deleted and you will receive a warning. To advertise your services on BlackHatWorld, you can submit a thread to our marketplace as long as you have an active Jr VIP or Marketplace Seller subscription. You can find more information on submitting a marketplace thread here: https://www.blackhatworld.com/seo/the-black-hat-world-marketplace-rules.1295700/

If you do not meet the requirements for Jr VIP and wish to advertise in your signature, you can buy Premium Membership and advertise in your signature. You are allowed to have either a linkable banner in your signature (must be under 728x90px with no flashing colours or call-to-actions) OR you can have up to 3 text links. Signatures that break these rules will be deleted without notice and you may receive a warning.

Staying safe
BHW offers no escrow or protection on deals conducted on the forum. Everything is done at your own risk with no guarantees made on any user's behalf of any kind. Before completing a business transaction on the Want to Buy section, you should conduct a background check on the user before sending any money. To do this search their name within the https://www.blackhatworld.com/forums/dispute-resolution.31/ forum. Please keep all communication within BHW using the PM feature and make payments using a method with buyer protection such as PayPal.

Make sure you do your own due diligence before conducting any business transaction with members of the forum as this is made at your own risk. For more information on protecting yourself, this thread contains useful information: https://www.blackhatworld.com/seo/how-to-avoid-scams.1038381/

Above all, use common sense. If you are not happy with an agreement, inform the other party you do not wish to continue before you commit to providing or buying a service.
If you feel you have been ripped off or a transaction is not conducted properly, please post a thread within the https://www.blackhatworld.com/forums/dispute-resolution.31/ forum. Make sure you read the https://www.blackhatworld.com/forums/dispute-resolution.31/ rules before submitting your thread to make sure your thread can be approved.

I cant find the WTB section ,please direct me as I need to make a BUY post
Thanks for this! The main reason i switched from a lurker to actually registering is to try and buy a service, so this was insightful
Does anyone have any experience/tips to share about properly vetting the service providers here on BHW, or effective methods of disputing bad services? I haven't yet purchased any services, but I like to be prepared in case something goes south.

Does anyone have any experience/tips to share about properly vetting the service providers here on BHW, or effective methods of disputing bad services? I haven't yet purchased any services, but I like to be prepared in case something goes south.


Some basic factors that you MUST consider - check out the age of the seller on the forum, the longer the better. Read the REVIEWS on the thread, ask for them if there aren't any or even better stay away from threads without reviews. Check where the reviews are from, the more established and aged the accounts are, the better. Newer users are cool but just obviously not as much authority. If nothing else, see if there's any trial being offered and hop for that before placing an order.
so many peple from old posts have now status banned XD
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How many posts i need to reply on wtb thread?
How many posts i need to reply on wtb thread?
There's no requirement for post count if you want to create a new thread. However, if you're looking to respond to other people's WTB threads, you'd need to be Jr VIP (100 posts), Marketplace Seller or Premium member.
There's no requirement for post count if you want to create a new thread. However, if you're looking to respond to other people's WTB threads, you'd need to be Jr VIP (100 posts), Marketplace Seller or Premium member.
okey, thank you!
having some nerves about paying to fraudsters in here, so I really like the addition of only allowing Jr VIP, Premium or Marketplace seller subscription to reply to a Want to Buy thread. Seems very logical
having some nerves about paying to fraudsters in here, so I really like the addition of only allowing Jr VIP, Premium or Marketplace seller subscription to reply to a Want to Buy thread. Seems very logical
Thank you, we appreciate your thoughts on the matter. :)
This is helpful thanks! But I couldn’t find a slot where it talks about how jr vip status can be achieved in a short time frame. For example it needs 100 comments but can that be achieved in a week?