Validating my business concept


Jan 14, 2016
Reaction score
Hi all,

I?ve been researching my niche and blogging in general for quite a while and I think I?ve settled on a plan. I?m looking to validate and would appreciate your feedback and advice.

I plan to offer a paid course for building a sales funnel around a free email course. The focus is on designing the customer experience.

I would cover customer experience exploration, technical aspects regarding the website and sales funnel, as well as strategy for promoting content and the business.

My target audience would be new and established businesses looking to improve their sales conversions. Specifically, people looking for a structured, plug-n-go system they can get running quickly.

I?ve been posting this question to various forums and communities I belong to as an initial validation. If I get positive results, my secondary validation will be to launch a website with a free email course and offer pre-launch sales at a significant discount.

My questions are:

  1. Would you consider this a profitable concept? Why or why not?
  2. Is my secondary validation a good strategy?
  3. What would you do next/differently?

Thanks in advance for any feedback, questions, advice, and/or constructive criticism.
Seems like a viable plan, it all of course comes down to how aggressive you are at promoting the strategy.
It's a good plan. How are you gonna do marketing and promotion?
Basically a B2B model, but targeting particular individuals in certain companies, right?

You're best to target marketers, growth hackers, CEOs / Founders of Tech Startups. That's the kind of market I see where your product thriving.

Why? Cause you just validated your idea with me. I do growth marketing for a tech startup, and I found your service interesting. I'm your market.

It's a viable concept, but how are you gonna compete with Hubspot, Neil Patel, and I dunno, the other 20+ resources I consume on a regular basis for this kind of info that you are offering me. Why would I pay YOU rather than Neil? What's your Unique Selling Proposition? What and where is your social proof?

Those questions aren't to put you down, but rather, those are the questions you need to answer within yourself so you know how you're gonna be able to bank from this business. Good luck!
Sorry for the late reply. Thanks so much for all of your feedback. I'll be implementing my site soon and will be sure to update you all. as for your questions:

I will market initially with content and social media, with a focus on building relationships. In the long run, once I've been able to fine tune my site and adjust to feedback, I'll focus on guest posting and partnerships in my industry.

As for how I will compete, I intend to provide massive amounts of free value, through content and email courses especially. If they like my content and follow through, then I believe that they'll buy from me. My concept is focused on building relationships and need through free offers, setting the customer up for the sale. Over time, of course, I will build testimonials and stats, but initially I will sell on my merits.

Thanks again!
Those questions aren't to put you down, but rather, those are the questions you need to answer within yourself so you know how you're gonna be able to bank from this business. Good luck!

Just for the record, I don't take those questions as a put down. They are relevant and insightful.

Truth is, we all need more feedback like this. We constantly have to evolve to thrive.

Anyway, just wanted to take the time to thank you again.