On 373 atmThis doesn't work. Please don't cry if you get stuck on 301. And this was posted originally by solidsnake.
On 373 atm
maybe because of your avatar ? Jk.Cant believe I've fallen for a 'Killer Title - Crappy Thread' for the 3rd time today ...
This doesn't work. Please don't cry if you get stuck on 301. And this was posted originally by solidsnake.
Youtube views don't show in real-time, get the fuck out of here >.<
You're missing one of these things OP, so I doubt you found out a working method.
- Brain
- Computer
- Internet
No He didn't exactly use what you have mentioned in this thread , It turns out what he uses works again but you woudln't get any higher than 60k and then next day 85k if u bot again that will be the max (from my tests). And its very hard to know how much you botted totally at then end :/.
Here's another cheap alternative method without software
C O M M A N D L I N E :
@echo off
start chrome http://nullrefer.com/?http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=[ID]
set /a number=%number% + 1
echo Total views %number%
ping -n 7 >nul 2>&1
taskkill /im chrome.exe /f
goto 1
Copy and paste into notepad and save as .bat
Good luck
Not sure why you feel the need to be always so rude.Today I learned: unlimited = 300