Unlimted views (method no downloads)

Botting view is not easy than u think dude...
You do realize you're only increasing the fake view counter? The real view counter isn't updated instantly like that. This stops at 300 and you won't see the real result for 12+ hours
I will do this method for a video that has 11,535 views and update in 1 day (friday-saturday)
youtube views do show in realtime till 300 views, after that it will stop
300 views you can get within 10 seconds or less, after that the video will be frozen :)

Youtube views don't show in real-time, get the fuck out of here >.<
No He didn't exactly use what you have mentioned in this thread , It turns out what he uses works again but you woudln't get any higher than 60k and then next day 85k if u bot again that will be the max (from my tests). And its very hard to know how much you botted totally at then end :/.

actually it's not that hard to know how much you've botted, just put how many views you want and not to forget where u want them from :)
Here's another cheap alternative method without software :)

C O M M A N D L I N E :

@echo off

start chrome http://nullrefer.com/?http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=[ID]
set /a number=%number% + 1
echo Total views %number%
ping -n 7 >nul 2>&1
taskkill /im chrome.exe /f
goto 1


Copy and paste into notepad and save as .bat

Good luck
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how about using this instead :
Here's another cheap alternative method without software :)

C O M M A N D L I N E :

@echo off

start chrome http://nullrefer.com/?http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=[ID]
set /a number=%number% + 1
echo Total views %number%
ping -n 7 >nul 2>&1
taskkill /im chrome.exe /f
goto 1


Copy and paste into notepad and save as .bat

Good luck

shuts down chrome doesn't do s*it apart from that
Today I learned: unlimited = 300
Not sure why you feel the need to be always so rude.

The method might be crap, but he clearly stated it works (if it works) only if your video past the 300 views limit already.

I understand you are ViewTornado owner, but throwing shit at anyone posting a method to increase views is not nice.