[TUTORIAL] How To Beat Panda 4.0 & Penguin With Pure Link Spam & Duplicate Content


Senior Member
Aug 31, 2012
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Hey guys,

I've seen a lot of chat around the forum the past few days about the latest Google updates, namely Panda 4.0

People are making the usual claims of SEO is dead, link spam doesn't work, spinning is a waste of time, you must have unique content etc etc

So I have just published a case study on the blog that shows you how to rank a site with duplicate content & link spam that has beaten the latest updates & earns over $1,000 per month.

What You Will Learn

  • How to beat Panda 4.0 & the latest Penguin update
  • How to build a website with spam
  • How to rank a website with spam
  • How to earn over $1,000 per month
  • The exact method & strategies used

The post is far to long & detailed to paste here but if you want to check it out - http://www.matthewwoodward.co.uk/tutorials/build-rank-spam-site-beat-google-updates/

I hope that helps some of you that are stuck in desperate situations with the current algorithm updates.


Ps. I will be speaking at the Blackhat World Conference in November - if you fancy a beer let me know!
Always enjoyed reading your posts. Will be checking this tonight.
yea, when i see your post always see green life :D
It was a Great Read Matt, Even i was surprised to see one of my site(low competition) is still ranking #1 even after the update...

I had directly blasted them with GSA, No tiers... Still its there on top since 1 and a half month now.
Really nice blog you have i have watched your gsa ranker tutorial but when i followed your steps gsa ranker wont work, i mean searching and building links is so hard.

I use 20 private proxies and 10 semi dedicated + a 100k top searching keyword list when searching after targets, i usually use engines by english language. I got a lot of download failed errors and already parsed messages.
My lpm is incredible low. Maybe 1.
I have even used scrapebox to scrape after targets and even with that my lpm is low and i barely create contexual links.

what am i doing wrong.
i have a thread on this forum that is presenting my problem.:(

Another great post from Matthew. ;) It gave me relief that I can still rank sites with spam links even after the new google update. :) Will try it on a new site, and hopefully I'll share the results later. :)

Will ask question, after reading your blog.

for tier 1 u use only articles ,web 2.o which all fail on gsa and wiki?why not not some high page rank social network and high page rank bookmarks as ex pr4 and above?just my 2 cents
That site won't last long, guaranteed. If he follows up in a year's time and it is still ranking I'll eat my hat. Little too early for him to be celebrating.

Would have been better if you pitched it as a pump and dump strategy rather than a way to "beat" Panda/Penguin.

P.s. I'll buy you a beer at the BHW conference, cya on stage ;)
really good article. just read it right through. I've been using GSA for some time so I know it works well, but haven't used the exact strategy in the article, but now I'm definitely going to try it:-)
Thanks for sharing Matt. I always enjoy your posts. Top stuff fella!
That site won't last long, guaranteed. If he follows up in a year's time and it is still ranking I'll eat my hat. Little too early for him to be celebrating.

Would have been better if you pitched it as a pump and dump strategy rather than a way to "beat" Panda/Penguin.

P.s. I'll buy you a beer at the BHW conference, cya on stage ;)
No need to eat your hat lol, surely that site won't last for long in the results because of the spammy links and the duplicate content. :p
Great post. Do you use KM3 with any spinner for building content apart for pages other than the home page?
there are some important facts that need to be said :

1) In deed the guy has used PLR articles, but while checking I found only ONE other website using the same content and it was back to 2012. The other website returns a 500 error but the content is indexed on google. Not all the content of the website in the case study is duplicate, only few of them.

2) If the targeted keyword was "KEYWORD KEYWORD KEYWORD" Then the website is nowhere to be found in the first 4 pages of results, I actually saw that the domain was a partial match and it is not ranking for it , it's only ranking for the "KEYWORD KEYWORD KEYWORD 2014" version. the competition is heavy but the search volume is pretty low ( lower than 500 a month for the ranking keyword) You can guess it yourself if you look at the impression on the GWT data.

3) I can Say that indeed the website survived Panda since the content was on this website since october 2013 which leaves enought time for the googlebot crawlers to Apply a penalty if needed.

I might add that the website :
1) has absolutely no social shares.
2) isn't using direct links to the affiliate offers ( but using a simple redirect script) and he seems to have forgotten to nofollow the links.

So my conclusions are :

1)Indeed the website survived Panda update even using GSA,

2) The case study does not Proof that duplicate content can survive Panda.

Don't PM about the URL of the website I'm not outting the guy who shared a great case study
When building a site, I have found it way easier to rank for keywords, especially long term, by simply following the guidance of how Matt built his blog (through delivering consistent quality content) and not with the tactics that he actually blogs about (spammy link building tactics).