So i have a been doing keyword research for a few niches. I found one using google keyword planner and it has LOTS of low and medium competition keywords.
I'm new to this so I have a few questions
If im trying to become an authority on my niche and I see these low comp/med comp keywords that I want to use, but most of the low comp/med comp keywords are MISSPELLED versions of the real niche.... example if my niche was basketball... the keywords i see would be like "basketsballs" or "bascetball".
1. Do you use these type of keywords? I feel that if I want to use them, I have to essentially have a really bad website (because I would be mispelling the real niche)... Is there a way around it? I dont want to have to dumb down my articles... or is that the way to go? Tiny little spelling mistakes that bring in decent traffic, but have low comp?
2. Also how good is google planner vs paid platforms? Could i survive just off keyword research with planner?
3. Does google planner take into account things like youtube searches? Social media searches? Or would i need other programs to check those keywords and their comp?
I'm new to this so I have a few questions
If im trying to become an authority on my niche and I see these low comp/med comp keywords that I want to use, but most of the low comp/med comp keywords are MISSPELLED versions of the real niche.... example if my niche was basketball... the keywords i see would be like "basketsballs" or "bascetball".
1. Do you use these type of keywords? I feel that if I want to use them, I have to essentially have a really bad website (because I would be mispelling the real niche)... Is there a way around it? I dont want to have to dumb down my articles... or is that the way to go? Tiny little spelling mistakes that bring in decent traffic, but have low comp?
2. Also how good is google planner vs paid platforms? Could i survive just off keyword research with planner?
3. Does google planner take into account things like youtube searches? Social media searches? Or would i need other programs to check those keywords and their comp?