Still possible to scrap Telegram Group ?


Feb 8, 2024
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We all know it's not possible to scrap telegram channel, most of people saying its possible are scammer. But for telegram group, it was possible to scrap few months ago, but right now in April 2024 is it still possible ? I tried few telegram group with famous scrapping tools but I never succeed, there is only only few members (less than 10) in results...I tried few group between 1k to 20k people in the group, but all failed. So : telegram group scrapp is definitly dead ?
If you're targeting groups with hidden members, understand this: you can only scrape users that talk in the chat
We all know it's not possible to scrap telegram channel, most of people saying its possible are scammer. But for telegram group, it was possible to scrap few months ago, but right now in April 2024 is it still possible ? I tried few telegram group with famous scrapping tools but I never succeed, there is only only few members (less than 10) in results...I tried few group between 1k to 20k people in the group, but all failed. So : telegram group scrapp is definitly dead ?
That's right, TG channel doesn't give you access to see their members list. But it's possible to scrape groups, although it also depends on its privacy settings.
We all know it's not possible to scrap telegram channel, most of people saying its possible are scammer. But for telegram group, it was possible to scrap few months ago, but right now in April 2024 is it still possible ? I tried few telegram group with famous scrapping tools but I never succeed, there is only only few members (less than 10) in results...I tried few group between 1k to 20k people in the group, but all failed. So : telegram group scrapp is definitly dead ?
Yes, you can scrap members from tg group. There are some work around to do it.
We all know it's not possible to scrap telegram channel, most of people saying its possible are scammer. But for telegram group, it was possible to scrap few months ago, but right now in April 2024 is it still possible ? I tried few telegram group with famous scrapping tools but I never succeed, there is only only few members (less than 10) in results...I tried few group between 1k to 20k people in the group, but all failed. So : telegram group scrapp is definitly dead ?
Bro . Based on the software's supported functions
I also tried with many premium telegram scrapper but it's work for public groups not worked for private groups.
I also tried with many premium telegram scrapper but it's work for public groups not worked for private groups.
thats because private groups have privacy settings covering them
We all know it's not possible to scrap telegram channel, most of people saying its possible are scammer. But for telegram group, it was possible to scrap few months ago, but right now in April 2024 is it still possible ? I tried few telegram group with famous scrapping tools but I never succeed, there is only only few members (less than 10) in results...I tried few group between 1k to 20k people in the group, but all failed. So : telegram group scrapp is definitly dead ?
Yes its possible and peoples doing very well and you can do too if you do with the right ways
We all know it's not possible to scrap telegram channel, most of people saying its possible are scammer. But for telegram group, it was possible to scrap few months ago, but right now in April 2024 is it still possible ? I tried few telegram group with famous scrapping tools but I never succeed, there is only only few members (less than 10) in results...I tried few group between 1k to 20k people in the group, but all failed. So : telegram group scrapp is definitly dead ?
You can scrape any groups with less than 200 members.
If the group has more than 200 members, the admins can hide their participants.
But, you can still get most recent messages and then get users from that.
Yes it's still possible, to scrape groups with hidden and visible members.

But it's not like it's used to be , I remember I used to do 1K to 500 from few 5-6 months old acc .

But now you need a huge pool of ACC in order to do the adding.

From now on , I need 100 acc for 1000-500 acc .

Yo do safe adding otherwise there wil be ban from telegram side.

Good old days
What telegram scraper would you recommend? silverdor? Others?
Have any telegram scraping services been verified here yet ?
there are quite a few projects out there that are open source that you can throw together to scrape telegram. like others have said though, you'll need quite a few accounts depending on how much you plan on scraping
there are quite a few projects out there that are open source that you can throw together to scrape telegram. like others have said though, you'll need quite a few accounts depending on how much you plan on scraping
I would like to mention a good one:

It's a nice CLI.
What telegram scraper would you recommend? silverdor? Others?
Before purchasing any paid scripts or software, I will suggest you to try Apex Adder its is a free telegram member adder & scraper that i am using currently. It also has a hidden member scraper, but it only scrape 10 to 15% members of group that recently sended the message in group.
For those who are into scrapping and adding members to groups. I am doing tests adding members from csv to my group.
A lot of ID/members seems to have blocked the ability to be added in random groups. Is there a way to filter that person or it's impossible ? That's make the adding process more difficult as the telegram API detect we are trying multiple times to add members to groups and its fail.