specific VPN option


Registered Member
Oct 11, 2011
Reaction score
I am looking for a vpn that changes the whole IP adress or bigger part of it, when you log in from a same location.
(Currently I am using HMA but it only changes the last numbers when logging from the same location)
And it has to have a lot of European locations like HMA has, I do not need much worldwide IPs...

Can anyone suggest me something?
I'm using vpntunnel.se

You can choose between ips from several different countries.
Do they provide IPs from Germany, France ?
germany in hma has :
247 161 408vpn pptp total
france has:
61 60 121vpn pptp total

more than these?
interesting to now for more
germany in hma has :
247 161 408vpn pptp total
france has:
61 60 121vpn pptp total

more than these?
interesting to now for more

Yes but HMA only changes the last numbers of the IP when you log in from same location. I need a vpn that changes the whole IP or bigger part of it, I'll try the one that GimmeMoney suggested.
I'm using vpntunnel.se

You can choose between ips from several different countries.

I got it yesterday, but it doesn't have the option I was asking for :/ It is like HMA it only changes the last numbers of the IP when logging from same country (Location)

Does anyone know any vpn that has the option I'm asking for ???
Take a look at expat shield... it's free, just has annoying ads.

Also I've heard alot about thor (never used it though).

Private and shared European proxies are hard to come by so VPN is ideal.
Personally I have HMA VPN on 4 machines and think it's fine.

Is there any particular reason you need I.Ps like this? The more you explain the better advice you'll get from guys here.

Take a look at expat shield... it's free, just has annoying ads.

Also I've heard alot about thor (never used it though).

Private and shared European proxies are hard to come by so VPN is ideal.
Personally I have HMA VPN on 4 machines and think it's fine.

Is there any particular reason you need I.Ps like this? The more you explain the better advice you'll get from guys here.


I'm looking at expat shield, does it only work if you live in the UK?

and did you choose your HMA VPN over Expat Shield or did you just come across expat shield after you had went with HMA ?

EDIT : Ok I see why you would rather have HMA, because it doesn't have annoying ads....lol
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I'm looking at expat shield, does it only work if you live in the UK?

and did you choose your HMA VPN over Expat Shield or did you just come across expat shield after you had went with HMA ?

EDIT : Ok I see why you would rather have HMA, because it doesn't have annoying ads....lol

Yeah expat shield is annoying, but if your low on money and just need to get onto one or two sites every so often it's very handy to have.

Then you move onto a VPN like hide my ass.

If your getting more technical and need speed you try shared proxies, and then when you need proxies all to yourself and fast you go with private.

Free proxie lists are generally used then for blog commenting etc they're pretty much treated like junk and are slow..

Just buy what you need... Again give guys some more detail as to why you need things exactly this way, you will get better help.