Sometimes Life is Just Plain Not Fair!


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Mar 10, 2010
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Did you ever utter those words?

Ever feel like the hand you were dealt goes against what is reasonable and fair?

Do you sometimes have things happen that totally bleep up your whole life as you see it?

I know what you mean and I have 3 words for you:

Get Over it!

Everyone has issues at one time or another and has to overcome adversity so you are not alone/special/singled out/etc.

Here is a way to look at things that covers a fair amount of real estate... allow adversity to build character... allow adversity to teach you to adapt... allow adversity to have you see things from a different perspective. Adversity is good... no doubt about it.

It causes you to grow as a person/businessman(woman)/Husband/Father/Wife/Mom/Daughter/Son/Random Human Being. Personal growth is actually more important than revenue growth as it covers a variety of areas in your lives... not just cash flow and truth be told building character is insanely more important than build cash reserves.

The adjustments you have to make can go only 1 of 2 ways... positive or negative and the entire choice is yours... it is a total mindset thing not a physical thing at all and anyone that tells you different is shallow and 100% wrong.

So next time something hits the fan, don't F Bomb it, embrace it and allow the adversity to mold you into something that would make you buy 5 copies for your Mother as you'll be more blessed than if you were on the cover of Rolling Stone.
I like your posts BTB, and this is true up to a point i think.

...sometimes there is stuff you cant simply get over, and still have to go further, even known that the odds aren't good and fair either, and the outcome can really cause destruction.
Nice message BassTracker. Tough honesty is self love.
Absorb>>Transform>>KIM (Keep It Movin) :cool:
Life IS pain and it isn't fair and that's the way it should be.

A very smart man with the name Charles Darwin gave us the idea of the survival of the fittest. Well these days we don't hunt wild animals and most of us don't wage war but we live in something that is called social Darwinism.

Most people live but they are like...sheep in a herd. They don't think for themselves, they don't make their own choices and basically they waste about living someone else's life. Adversity is what pushes us to greatness, if it isn't hard it isn't worth doing and more importantly if it were easy everyone would be doing it and therefore it would be worth nothing.
Very nice said.
I once read that: "Life's like a game of cards. The hand you're dealt is a determinism, but the way you play it is a free will."
I always recollect it when I do not like "the actual hand" I've been dealt. :).

It causes you to grow as a person/businessman(woman)/Husband/Father/Wife/Mom/Daughter/Son/Random Human Being. Personal growth is actually more important than revenue growth as it covers a variety of areas in your lives... not just cash flow and truth be told building character is insanely more important than build cash reserves.
...sometimes there is stuff you cant simply get over

I have to disagree, Friend, I believe you can get over anything if your mindset is correct.

This thread is borne out of a recent real life experience as are most of my motivational ones and the recent events in my life are a real doozy... I was completely thrown for a loop but chose to not allow my situation to rule my life but rather allow my mindset to overcome the latest... those that I am in business with could attest to what has crossed my path lately and they would tell you it is not very pretty.

Overcome adversity and allow yourself to be affected in a positive way.
I have to disagree, Friend, I believe you can get over anything if your mindset is correct.

This thread is borne out of a recent real life experience as are most of my motivational ones and the recent events in my life are a real doozy... I was completely thrown for a loop but chose to not allow my situation to rule my life but rather allow my mindset to overcome the latest... those that I am in business with could attest to what has crossed my path lately and they would tell you it is not very pretty.

Overcome adversity and allow yourself to be affected in a positive way.

I have to disagree - or just my mindset is not correct. :)
Either way...i didnt want to hijack the thread. I highly respect that you could do that, i just dont see the positive way in my stuff.
Excellent post. So simple but definitely right.

We all have a tendency to analyse things and get lost in all the bad times that life throws at us. I dont know how many times things have piled on top of each other and bad things have happened to me in abundance and Ive gradually gotten more and more down until one day * BOOM * - I loose it and from that moment on everything that comes my way, I stress, I cry, and I moan. >_>

But usually I'll have a moment of clarity a few weeks later and realise " What have I been doing......" and I snap out of it. I wish I could remember to keep this state of mind all the time. lol For some it comes naturally as many of you out there are true optimists and I wish I naturally took things as they came like others out there. But I always have to step back, re-assess my life for all the good thats in it and remember to GROW up.

We all have bills. We all have jobs we hate. We all have family problems and hey, every now and then someone we love leaves or passes away. Everyone on this planet has had some heartbreak. Rise above it, move on and keep working hard on your success.
Oh God it took me about 5 minutes to edit out all of the " inappropriate " words out of my post. I basically lost half my post. haha

I think I need to cut down on the swearing.
That's funny...

I was thinking a little along these lines earlier today.

Things have been a little rough lately, causing me to reexamine some of my thought processes, habits and preconceptions. Even though it can be overall shit, you learn to utilize skills and throw out poorly formed ideals when reality hits hard.
Sometimes I feel like I give up everything.
Then suddenly I realize that I do nothing :D :D
Thanks for the post BTB. Life is very unfair to us all at times. Like you say however, we just have to forge on and go after what we want. There is absolutely no benefit in engaging in self pity or lamenting. There was a small incident where a stranger helped me realize something close to what you have said.

I once took a huge fall on any icy sidewalk. It was the first time I was on ice and it wasn't pretty. I was embarrassed as hell as so many people saw me fall. When one of the pedestrians walked by, I tried to joke around and sheepishly said "Man..that must have looked bad". He paused and said "But, you got back right up". He then walked on. I don't know why but I remembered that incident that happened like 6 or 7 years ago.

It doesn't matter how many times you fall. What matters is how many times you pick yourself up and keep going. Thanks for the post!
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wishing for life to be "fair" is silly.

if life was fair for everybody then bhw would not exist.

we as black hats thrive on our unfair advantages over those that insist on playing by the rules.

embrace the unfairness! ;)
BTB you are on the wrong boat ! you should be self improvement writer guru ........
I have to disagree, Friend, I believe you can get over anything if your mindset is correct.

This thread is borne out of a recent real life experience as are most of my motivational ones and the recent events in my life are a real doozy... I was completely thrown for a loop but chose to not allow my situation to rule my life but rather allow my mindset to overcome the latest... those that I am in business with could attest to what has crossed my path lately and they would tell you it is not very pretty.

Overcome adversity and allow yourself to be affected in a positive way.

As you and your family have prayed for mine, we will do the same. good luck with everything
What matters is how many times you pick yourself up and keep going.

Hell yeah... reminds me of this:

"The world ain't all sunshine and rainbows... its a very mean and nasty place and I don't care how tough you are... it will beat you to your knees and keep you there if you let it. You, me or nobody is gonna hit as hard as life... But It ain't about how hard you hit. It's about how hard you can get hit and KEEP MOVING FORWARD!"

One of the best movie quotes ever!
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Loved that scene. Stallone makes some of the best inspirational movies ever. That training sequence in the Russian winter..makes you want to stop watching the movie and go do something extraordinary :)
Hey BTB,

Thanks for the inspirational post. And more thanks for making me remember Dr. Hook and The Medicine Show. :) Guess we are telling our age...
My favorite is this is one
Most important is LUCK
You can be rich, famous, healthy, strong, handsome, etc.. and everything is absolutely perfect and you end up on Titanic

life is a game of chance or "LUCK" is all you need, being in the right place at the right time
Great post buddy, I understand exactly where your coming from - Dragging baggage around with you only slows you down. Build a bridge and get over IMO. Forward ever, backwards never