Something is missing in my life .. can you advice me ?


Power Member
Nov 1, 2017
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hello , im 27 years old financially independent, kinda of free financially ..

i own two passive offline businesses, and couple of projects online , YouTube channel , mobile apps developer...

anyway , i've spent the last 10 years most of the time alone in-front of my computer , so i'm not that social with people.. and i didn't have experienced what most of people experience at my age..
parties with girls , alcohol stuff etc .. yeah lonely as fuck but heey on other hand i've spent time on something worth it ..

i bought myself an apartment and i'm willing to live there ' again' alone , as currently i live with my mother ( yes that's another problem i know ) .

so lately i feel so empty inside like seriously nothing is excited for me , if your telling me you're going to buy me a lambo im not gonna be surprised or excited about it .. i just don't understand wtf is wrong with me.

i watched so many videos , especially religious ones , Jewish, muslim, hindos .. videos about life and what should i do as an adult 27 years old .
and i got a conclusion which is getting married as soon as possible , as this is the only solution at the moment.

Jewish perspective is actually same as muslim's one , they advice if you got money ,house , stable buisness in order to go forward in life u gotta got married..

what do you guys think ?
I would find meaning in a project or something I would like to pursue.

Life is all about meaning. You made all of that money by making it your "meaning", your life.

I'm sure you can find something that you want to pursue.

Life is not all about money,, but it def helps.

Nice achievements buddy.

Good luck!
Not in the position to give anyone else life advice, but somehow been in your skin (as it is presented in the thread) and I found my way after:
i bought myself an apartment and i'm willing to live there ' again' alone , as currently i live with my mother ( yes that's another problem i know ) .
Is there an issue between you and your mother? Or you simply don't like the idea to "living with your parents after you got 18/21 years old"? If it's the second things, don't worry: It's very common these days, for most of the young people, to share their homes with their parents (so it's not a "not-cool thing" anymore). Also, if you feel ok, you can live with all of your relatives, since the vibe is good. Don't listen what other people said, or how media try to impose a "that's a good lifestyle" doctrine...

so lately i feel so empty inside like seriously nothing is excited for me , if your telling me you're going to buy me a lambo im not gonna be surprised or excited about it .. i just don't understand wtf is wrong with me.
Travel. Travel a lot. Visit different countries and cultures. As I said, many many times, volunteer-ing works, so you can try to get involved in volunteer activities (my advice is to avoid anything political, in any forms..).

i got a conclusion which is getting married as soon as possible , as this is the only solution at the moment.
To be married is not an easy thing, for both parts. Get married only if you really like that woman (with all the + and - ). Also, avoid to fake your real personality when she's near you. She could be a good wife, only if she likes your real personality, and not something faked. And viceversa (don't run for that "fancy style" girl, who will complain all the night about the hiccups generated by the champagne bubbles - you got the idea...).

Just my 2c.
You just need some friends. People that like the same stuff that you do. Drink some beers with them and you will feel a lot better. Don't rush to marriage someone... it can make your life a lot worse in many ways.
Make Friends
Gym Friends
Hangout Friends
Trip Friends
Mental Care Friends

All in All, one advise


I'm sure you haven't seen lots of things that life has to offer.
Heading towards 15 years together with my wife. I strongly believe you need to be happy and content with yourself before you can truly make someone else happy. Your spouse should be there to compliment who you are, not to fill an empty space in your life.

At 27, you're still very young, and as @Ricky.Montana suggested, I would also recommend taking the opportunity to travel. There is so much to see and do in this world, and will open your mind to a lot of new perspectives on life and people. Be warned, the curse of the traveler is very real and something I've struggled with after over a decade of nomadic lifestyle. Despite that, I still believe it to be a worthwhile experience.

Read: Letter from Thomas Jefferson to his nephew Peter Carr (August 10th, 1787)
Travelling. This makes men wiser, but less happy. When men of sober age travel, they gather knowledge, which they may apply usefully for their country; but they are subject ever after to recollections mixed with regret; their affections are weakened by being extended over more objects; & they learn new habits which cannot be gratified when they return home. Young men, who travel, are exposed to all these inconveniences in a higher degree, to others still more serious, and do not acquire that wisdom for which a previous foundation is requisite, by repeated and just observations at home.

The glare of pomp and pleasure is analogous to the motion of the blood; it absorbs all their affection and attention, they are torn from it as from the only good in this world, and return to their home as to a place of exile & condemnation. Their eyes are forever turned back to the object they have lost, & its recollection poisons the residue of their lives. Their first & most delicate passions are hackneyed on unworthy objects here, & they carry home the dregs, insufficient to make themselves or anybody else happy. Add to this, that a habit of idleness, an inability to apply themselves to business is acquired, & renders them useless to themselves & their country. These observations are founded in experience. There is no place where your pursuit of knowledge will be so little obstructed by foreign objects, as in your own country, nor any, wherein the virtues of the heart will be less exposed to be weakened.

Be good, be learned, & be industrious, & you will not want the aid of travelling, to render you precious to your country, dear to your friends, happy within yourself. I repeat my advice, to take a great deal of exercise, & on foot. Health is the first requisite after morality. Write to me often, & be assured of the interest I take in your success, as well as the warmth of those sentiments of attachment with which I am, dear Peter, your affectionate friend. - Th: Jefferson
1-Go To The Gym
2-Get Out of Your Comfort Zone
3-set very big goals
4-Since you've made it i think you should find somebody to help and menthor them - this will give you joy and you'll change somebodie's life
5-Look at the bright side you've actually made it - you made the hard part now it's time for the easy one
I understand how you feel but I have some questions for you :
Do you watch porn on daily basis ?
Do you masturbate ?
These two things can contribute on your isolation and make you lose any motivation .

i don’t think getting married is a good thing to do now . Take your time you are still young and life is still in front of you . Just make a plan for your day . Like when you finish working . Go out to drink something outside . Try to talk to some girls … go to the gym …..
i bought myself an apartment and i'm willing to live there ' again' alone , as currently i live with my mother ( yes that's another problem i know ) .
Living with your mother isn't "Another problem" It's a blessing. Seeing your MOM fit, healthy, smiling, talking to you a blessing.

Marriage can be a good solution depending on your partner & the relationship.
You sound burned out.

Travel to exotic locations, learn new stuff outside irl, drink beer, sleep with many many local women. Don't get married.
forget about religions just crap, and wars and hate

life don't have one meaning
life is your experience
just like a painting, you take the brush and chose colors and paint

read about Jean-Jacques Rousseau his life was something like you
read about van gogh how he live his difficult life
there is people that have unique life, they found a path
just find yours, find what life means for you and live it as you see it
Friends, gf, love that's what matters the most, otherwise, all that money for what?

Honestly, I find being married for the sack being married seems a bit weird, I mean finding love and friends that makes sense and fulfill you is really better. Don't forget to live!
1. Be of service to others. Use your freedom to help other people

2. Engage in authentic and meaningful conversations on a regular basis. Conversations
that help you "connect" with someone or "laugh".

3. Find a way to "play" in life. Not video games

4. Commit to one thing that will challenge you to grow as a person so you get a sense of accomplishment

5. Get sun at least 3x per week for an hour. Ideally with shirt off.
brudda, my spirit orb tell me that you are missing your soul.

maybe you lost it to a job, to de internet, to ur mamma, but one ting is sure.

you need to get it bak.

journey into your inner self and recover it. channel your energy and delve in your mind. this is the way.
and i got a conclusion which is getting married as soon as possible , as this is the only solution at the moment.
This is problably one of the stupidest things you can do right now.

Thread Replies pretty much already answered your question. Since you now are "financially stable" you can take some time off, let your businesses run on autopilot and enjoy the world. Don't know what enjoys you? Start trying out new things.