Site Stuck at rank 20. What should I do?


Registered Member
Oct 30, 2009
Reaction score
My website is at rank 20 in SERP for a particular search phrase for last 30 days in Google whereas it is on number 1 position in yahoo and bing. What should I do to improve ranking on Google?
Yeah, it looks to be that the sites that you had backlinks on aren't showing up on google, so I agree with punk and just keep getting more backlinks
I have been getting links in the past 30 days but there is no improvement in ranking. All effort is going in vain.
Could you please suggest some good websites to get great free links which will really help to move up. I am really stranded at this stage.
It can take differing amounts of time for backlinks to appear so just keep building them and they will show up along the way.
Try on your competitors it should give you some ideas look at those with high link strength on the anchor text required first
When you say you're getting more backlinks... Do you mean that all of those backlinks are for the key "blahblah" link anchor text that you're trying to win in the SERPS?

There's no point getting dozens or hundreds of links with your site name, url or some other extraneous text in the link anchor. The whole point of backlinks are to have them for the text you are trying to rank for in the search terms.

Also, it can literally take 8, 12, 16 weeks for some links to pass their juice along. I've built hundreds of backlinks for a site, got worried because nothing was happening in the rankings and then all of a sudden, whoosh - top 5.

Just keep plugging along adding consistent numbers each day and eventually you'll see some results. Don't stop social bookmarking, pinging those social bookmark sites, your Angela techniques and so on. Grind away and eventually you'll hit paydirt.
Google.... FreeTrafficSystem & ArticleRanks....that should help.

BTW like everyone said backlinks takes awhile before you get credit from them so just keep building them...

Most important, use a lot of anchor text variation of your targeted keyword when it comes to getting backlink....
Thanks, I will keep building backlinks, and keep this thread posted if I see any improvement in ranking.

Anchor text variation is a good advice, but does posting url in description also help. Is it that Google only considers anchor texts or do they consider url also.
that is,the more number of time they find a particular url over the submissions.

Re: Anchor Texts - How does Google find out whether the anchor text through which we are linking our website is really relevant to our website or we are not trying to link with a irrelevant anchor text.
I looked at a site the other day and fixed the problem - went to #1 for the KW in about 10 days after making a bunch of changes.

Few good links, some new anchor texts, optimized footer blocks, ajax inc menus etc.