SEO work for a few sites


Senior Member
Dec 19, 2015
Reaction score
Looking for an SEO with some all-around experience and connections. I have a few websites that need some stuff done clean and efficiently. No need for 15+ years of experience, just know your stuff, be timely, and we'll bring you on.

- Remove toxic links
- Have good source of quality links/pbn's/providers
- Look over/adjust on-page/technical
- Maybe help with research and content
Pm me more details or add on Skype - live:.cid.d62235c072192318
Can we discuss more?
Skype : live:kawsarbd_2
I can provide quality work at lowest price
PM me for samples and price

Looking for an SEO with some all-around experience and connections. I have a few websites that need some stuff done clean and efficiently. No need for 15+ years of experience, just know your stuff, be timely, and we'll bring you on.

- Remove toxic links
- Have good source of quality links/pbn's/providers
- Look over/adjust on-page/technical
- Maybe help with research and content
my recommendation since you are new: keep all conversation in BHW PM. lowering your risk of getting cheated
I will send a DM

I have connections to private news sites. All clean

- All sites Google News Approved Network (grandfathered/1st generation)
- No PBNs
- No spammy sites (assuming you are budgeted for quality)

I have sites that get up to 6MM visits , traffic monthly
My articles generate high retention as I've developed a 7-point plan, that works well with general google searchers aka the Avg Joe

If interested, lets chat.

I work with serious clients only
Looking for an SEO with some all-around experience and connections. I have a few websites that need some stuff done clean and efficiently. No need for 15+ years of experience, just know your stuff, be timely, and we'll bring you on.

- Remove toxic links
- Have good source of quality links/pbn's/providers
- Look over/adjust on-page/technical
- Maybe help with research and content
Well, i'm not with 15+ experience but not a beginner though if interested ping me on SKYPE: [email protected]