SEO For firefox plugin - not displaying data properly - any ideas?


Junior Member
Dec 20, 2008
Reaction score
Hi all,

I downloaded from the SEO For Firefox addon where it displays all the seo information in the google results.

But when I type something it just displays "?" for all the results.

Does anyone else have this problem? Any ideas how to sort this out?

cheers all
I believe you click on the question mark. The info should load up for you.
Thanks for the reply erksinem - but isn't the point that it displays it in the results page?
Posted via Mobile Device
You can check in the options of the program that it retrieves the info automatically.
It always displays the question marks.. you have to do the extra work of clicking at these question marks to get the data.. there is no other way around
i use seoquake it seems to be good to give out seo information about web sites.