Selling ebooks on Instagram ?


Power Member
Feb 7, 2015
Reaction score
Have someone already did it ? And if yes, what was the results ? :)
Thanks in advance.
Nobody has done this before so we cant say.

Why don't you try it and tell us?
that are doing many big accounts, i know some who are earning 500$/d with it
Nobody has done this before so we cant say.

Why don't you try it and tell us?
I'm waiting to grow my network to 4M+ first, then I'll test. Also that not mean you didn't do it that nobody done it ;)
Just like anything else that sells on instagram. Just find a method or something that sells products on instagram and booom you can sell books. My tip would be try to find a specfic public for it, maybe only 0,00000000001% of your 2 million followers are interested in ebooks ..
I have never seen nor heard of anyone doing this. It would be interesting to see if it actually worked.