Seems everyone is getting girls except me

Sep 24, 2020
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Man I came on here to not get distracted by this stuff that gets me down but now i'm seeing people saying should i pick girl a or girl b or talking about beautiful women and it just sucks you know. Is there nowhere I can hang out on where i can just concentrate on work and learning and not have to hear people brag about women all the time.
Please wait to friday, I'm visiting my beautiful girlfriend right now. Don't have time mate.
Please wait to friday, I'm visiting my beautiful girlfriend right now. Don't have time mate.
Yea. One of the requirements for BHW is visiting a lovely, independent woman. Most people do not have the time to help you because they are busy with their partners.
If you ask people not to talk about something, it'll remind them to talk about it. Human nature :D
Don't focus on things that are not important in life. Who the hell gives a rats ass about how many woman someone has slept with. If you have to brag about something like this then there is definitely something wrong with your life.
Well u never have to search for someone, they will appear eventually at your life in some point.

Just Enjoy your life
Don't focus on things that are not important in life. Who the hell gives a rats ass about how many woman someone has slept with. If you have to brag about something like this then is definitely something wrong with your life.
That's the answer I was looking for. :smirk:
I think you landed in the wrong place, BABA's Not allowed here
joined today started shit
Man I came on here to not get distracted by this stuff that gets me down but now i'm seeing people saying should i pick girl a or girl b or talking about beautiful women and it just sucks you know. Is there nowhere I can hang out on where i can just concentrate on work and learning and not have to hear people brag about women all the time.

Once you truly stop caring about what girls think is when they literally start showing interest. Focus on your grind.
60%+ of internet is porn for a reason.

Ignore or join them.
Don't focus on things that are not important in life. Who the hell gives a rats ass about how many woman someone has slept with. If you have to brag about something like this then there is definitely something wrong with your life.

I completely agree with this statement. I don't consider myself better than anyone just because I slept with 750 different women.
Don't focus on things that are not important in life. Who the hell gives a rats ass about how many woman someone has slept with. If you have to brag about something like this then there is definitely something wrong with your life.