Ringtones Offers Question ...


Regular Member
Dec 9, 2008
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Hi guys,

i'm about to start promoting one of my whitehat websites, but i actually i'd really like to run something small with it in the side that didn't request much work in SEO and content and stuff ... i wana know, do ringtones+youtube still works ? i think that there is a huge opportunity to generate traffic as there is new hot music tracks coming out every day, so if you can just upload 2 or 3 videos on daily bases after 2 or 3 months you gonna have around 200+ vids up you should be getting a very decent amount of traffic, am i wrong ? so as i said, it didn't requer much work + it's not gonna be my main money maker, just something for some extra money each month .

for all of you guys with previous experience in CPA+youtube and specialy the ringtones stuff, there is any potential in this method ? if yes what type of websites should i make ? i'm thinking about one page site with a review style ... what are your thaugts ?

I used to do youtube and ringtones back when it was easy.. now you'd have to do more than 2-3 vids a day and worry about copyright and vids getting taken down.

Hire someone to upload 20 - 30 a day for you and see how that goes.
I used to do youtube and ringtones back when it was easy.. now you'd have to do more than 2-3 vids a day and worry about copyright and vids getting taken down.

Hire someone to upload 20 - 30 a day for you and see how that goes.

yeah i already have this in minde thats why i'm thinking about spending aday creating 20 30 youtube accounts and spread the vids in all of them equaly ... and at this point i'm gonna everything manually and by my slef and maybe i'll outsource the process if it works out well,

i'd like to hear other opinions if it's possible,

I'm currently trying to do the whole ringtone+YT thing.

I'm following method #1 from the Invincible ebook. I did everything it said, but I can't get my videos on youtube because it says that the songs are copyrighted. I uploaded through tubemogul.

Any help would be very appreciated.

I've been searching BHW for over an hour and no one seems to have a good answer on how to get around the copyright.

How do people get all of these music/movie videos up without them being flagged!? :confused:
Are you editing the vids with camtasia? I do this alot and it works. Not with the ringtone offer but with other things. Add other sound to it to mess up the waves, add video length via text or whatever...Seems to work for me