quickest stock trading news possible.


Jan 21, 2015
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I wanted to know if there's a platform out there where i can get company centric news before anyone else?
for example: company A releases information that it has gotten approval for a drug , i wanted to know if a system exists where i can get that information the quickest possible way? (through websites etc)

the search could be made using keywords.

If such a system doesn't exist could i hire a bot maker to make something like this? and what parameters should i ask the bot maker to take into consideration?

In a nutshell:
what im interested in is getting the information before most people.
for example: a 1000 websites have released info on 'company A gets approval for a drug' i want to know the 1st one that releases this information on the web

any help would be appreciated! thanks guys!
I'd be looking in IBD and the WJS to see who is advertising that sort of information gateway. Years ago I had a satellite dish set up specifically for commodities that gave me real time information and I would have to believe there are services like that for publicly traded stocks.
If there was anything publicly available, the big traders would have already gotten ahold of it and taken it private.
hi condadon,
thanks for the input.
okay, i understand hedge funds ruining my chances etc but what i wanted to know is how can i find information the quickest? like the example i mentioned pertaining to the company A getting the drug approval, someone would start the trend on the web right? i just want to know the closest point of inception possible (on the web) example the 1st website putting out that info.
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This is what fund managers pay megga money for - Reuters, Bloomberg and others.
WritersBlok i cant exactly understand this statement, if a private website has released this information to the public, the only thing the big traders could do is use that info right? not shut down the companies servers lol, so the info would still be out there, am i right?
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This is what fund managers pay megga money for - Reuters, Bloomberg and others.
understood, but what i want to do is take advantage of the free info on the web, just get hold of the first website that posts this information. is there a way?
If you get your information from a website then everybody else in the world has access to the same information at the same time - so you are not gaining an advantage.

If you want to get your information before most other people you need to pay for it.
If you get your information from a website then everybody else in the world has access to the same information at the same time - so you are not gaining an advantage.

If you want to get your information before most other people you need to pay for it.

lets just say the information is available on the internet i need a system (based on keyword paramaeters ive set) that will prompt me as soon as the information becomes live. (sort of like google alerts, but it sucks and gives out info that is hours and hours delayed)
Make research compare sites, check them regulary thats kinda only way... anyway if you are stocktrader you should be aware about the shits happening around those stocks and it would suck you into it even more if you get me :D
Is not this info a bit insider tradish? :P Getting news ahead of everyone else, that would be highily illegal.
This would be pretty easy. You could have a scraper that loads the actual website every minute you choose or reads the RSS feed of that site. If the site has new content it then searches for your key phrases, if a match is found it will alert you via email + push notification on your mobile.

I would give it a go but I have too much on my plate atm. Good luck!
What you are looking for is something like google alerts. I think if you are smart enough to trade stocks you will find a way to utilize google alerts, create a long term strategy and execute a profitable system. Think this trough very carefully and optimise and diversify for all possible scenarios. I am still playing with penny stocks and if my strategy proves worthy I'll move to more serious buyings.